Home > CarbonFin-Outliner-Ruby


CarbonFin-Outliner-Ruby is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A class and some Ruby utility scripts to interact with CarbonFin Outliner Online.

CarbonFin Outliner Online Ruby Class/Scripts

A class and some Ruby utility scripts to interact with CarbonFin Outliner Online.

Please note that CFOO has not endorsed an official API and so these scripts are strictly unofficial (but they work well and are likely to continue doing so).

They are useful as an interim measure until the CFO dev can introduce Dropbox syncing.

The gems 'mechanize' and 'nokogiri' are required.

gem install mechanize

should install all dependencies.

Easy use

To edit a given outline (on OS X), use:

./edit.sh <outline_name>

Utility Scripts

First, add your username and password to login.rb.

Log in with:


List outlines with:


Download with:

./download.rb <format> <name>

Formats are: opml, print, text (and json (internal))

Upload OPML files with:

./upload.rb <file0.opml> <file1.opml> <file2.opml> ...

Upload plain text with:

cat file | ./upload_text.rb <name> (<are_tasks>)

The Class

The class isn't documented here, but it is largely self-explanatory and can be quickly understood by reading {download, upload, upload_text}.rb
