Home > cardano


Cardano is a project mainly written in SCALA and OBJECTIVE-J, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Sbt processor for Cappuccino and Lift integration.


Cardano tries to make easy the initial steps of development of rich internet applications using Cappuccino/Objective-J in the client side and Lift/Scala in the server. It generates source code based on several templates.

Cardano is a SBT processor built on the Lifty-engine, and it is heavily based on lifty by Mads Hartmann Jensen.

Getting Started

Quick Install

As this project is in its very early beginnings there is no jar in online repositories yet, so please clone this project in your directory of choice:

mkdir -p /Development/lift/integration

cd /Development/lift/integration

git clone git://github.com/ignaciocases/cardano.git

Launch the simple build tool by typing sbt, and then update the project


In order to use the processor it is needed to publish it locally, so type


This compiles the project and places the resulting jar in your local ivy repository. Remove the existent processor if you have installed cardano previously:

*remove cardano

Then, install the processor:

*cardano is org.hnlab cardano 0.2.9

Using Cardano

Start a new project using sbt. To obtain help type inside sbt

cardano help

Try to generate a new Cappuccino xib with sample integration doing

cardano create project-xib

The processor will ask for some details about the project, with the defaults between square brackets:

[info] mainpack [org.hnlab]: com.example

[info] cappuccinoversion [0.9]:

[info] cappuccinobuild [CAPP_BUILD]:

[info] liftversion [2.3]: 2.4-SNAPSHOT

[info] cappuccinoapp [Quadra]: CPTest

The variable cappuccinobuild indicates the processor the name of the system variable that points to the local Cappuccino distribution. Type the info, and after that enter



You can start your webapp doing




Open a web browser and point it to http://localhost:8080 to open the Lift application. Follow the link to start the Cappuccino client.


To see which templates has Cardano currently available type the following:

cardano templates:

These are the templates currently available.


-project-frothy - David Pollak's Frothy project.

-project-xib - Creates a blank project with a XIB based Cappuccino application.


This processor assumes a local Cappuccino installation living in the location designated by the environment variable CAPP_BUILD.


Thanks to Jerôme Denanot, Mads Hartmann Jensen, and David Pollak for their nice contributions. Any blame should be directed to me, of course.
