Home > career-tracker


Career-tracker is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Hack(2011.08) project

Welcome to Career Tracker

Using our application:

There are three accounts you can use to login.

logins / passwords are:

The achievements button allows you to enter achievements if you like, but we've provided some for you. Click on Resumes to tailor a resume with your achievements.


This application emphasizes career results. A user can enter career achievements in Career Tracker and use them for customized resumes. A major advantage of this application is users don't have to remember what they did at a job 5 years ago--they can enter details while they're still fresh and use them in a tailored resume.

Right now, our application stores achievements, lists them, and allows a user to drag-and-drop them into a resume template. Once done, the user can save the resume.

User stories

These are the primary things we wanted to support; we didn't get them all.

As a user
I would like to store an achievement
so I record important career information
...in order to have it available for a resume

As a user
I want to search stored achievements by position
in order to have them available for a resume

As a user
I want to search stored achievements by employer
in order to have them available for a resume

As a user
I want to search stored achievements by keyword
in order to have them available for a resume

As a user
I want to create a customized resume
so I can impress the hiring manager at the job I’m applying for

As a user with a list of achievements pulled from the database
I want to select important items to go on my resume
so the resume is customized to the job I’m applying for

As a user (as well as a career tracker developer)
I want my resume to get exported to Google Docs
So I can edit, proofread, and approve the document

As a user with a resume the way I want it
I wish to save the resume
So I may have a record of the resume

As a user
I want to store basic job information (dates, employer, title, role, etc...)
So it is available for use in a resume

As a Career Tracker developer
I want to sneak an easter egg into Career Tracker
In order to send the strongest candidates to Coshx Labs, Inc
