Home > cascalog-mrjob


Cascalog-mrjob is a project mainly written in JAVA and CLOJURE, it's free.

an exploratory plugin to add raw MR jobs to cascalog


Goal: add a raw MR job to cascalog in a natural way

Given a JobConf:

(defn lowercase-jobconf []
  (let [jobconf (new JobConf)]
    (doto jobconf 
      (.setJobName "lowercase")
      (.setOutputKeyClass Text)
      (.setOutputValueClass IntWritable)
      (.setMapperClass SampleMRJob$Map)
      (.setReducerClass IdentityReducer)
      (.setInputFormat TextInputFormat)
      (.setOutputFormat TextOutputFormat)

Call with:

(?<- (stdout)  
       [?word ?sum] 
       (words ?line) 
       (re-split-op [#"s+"] ?line :> ?word) (:distinct false)
       (job [jobconf] ?word :> ?word ?one-str)
       (parse-int ?one-str :> ?one) ; seqfile would solve this but complicate things elsewhere
       (c/sum ?one :> ?sum)

vim: ft=mkd
