Home > cassandra-erl


Cassandra-erl is a project mainly written in ERLANG and RUBY, it's free.

UNMAINTAINED! hopefully some kind of usable cassandra client, hiding the horrible thrift api.

Basic Wrapper for the Cassandra 0.8 Thrift Bindings.

I wanted to play with Cassandra from erlang and the default Thrift Bindings are horrible, so I made this. Might be just as horrible but works for me.


C = cassandra_client:connect([{host, "localhost"}, {port, 9160}, {keyspace, "test"}]),

{ok, Version} = C:describe_version(),

ConsistencyLevel = one,

ok = C:mutate([
    {"row", "cf", {insert, [{"col", "value"}]}
], ConsistencyLevel),

{ok, Columns} = C:get_column_slice("row", "cf", [{count, 10}], ConsistencyLevel),

% return values from cassandra are binaries

Columns = [{<<"col">>, <<"value">>}].


Basic edoc at: http://thheller.github.com/cassandra-erl/


  • SuperColumns
  • Error Handling (pure let-it-crash for now)
  • Ring Detection, Client Pooling, Reconnects, etc.