Home > Catalyst-Plugin-DebugCookie


Catalyst-Plugin-DebugCookie is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

Catalyst plugin to turn on debug when a secure cookie and a query param are set

NAME Catalyst::Plugin::DebugCookie - Catalyst plugin to turn on debug when a secure cookie and a query param are set


In your application class define the plugin

 use Catalyst qw/DebugCookie/;

 # In your controller, you must define an action method to set the cookie.
 # This should be secured by htpasswd or similar methods
 use Catalyst::Plugin::DebugCookie::Util qw/make_debug_cookie/;
 sub secure_debug_cookie :Path(/this/is/not/public) { 
        my ($self, $c, $username) = @_; 

        # this method is defined for you in the provided util class
        make_debug_cookie($c, $username);
        $c->res->body("Cookie set"); 

 # Your configuration in perl  
 __PACKAGE__->config->{Plugin::DebugCookie} = {
        secret_key  => '001A4B28EE3936',
        cookie_name => 'mycookie',

 # Or your configuration in L<Config::General> format 
    secret_key 001A4B28EE3936
    cookie_name my_secure_debug_cookie 

 # In your browser first set the cookie with your username

 # Finally, in your browser view a page with the parameter 'is_debug'
 # set with the same username used when generating the cookie.
 # The plugin will turn on debug mode for this request

DESCRIPTION Catalyst plugin to turn debug on a per request basis, typically used in a production environment where debug is off by default. Two things must happen to enable debug. First, you have to go to a secure (ideally password protected) URL to set the cookie, which is a hash of your secret key and username. Secondly, you have to hit the page with the ?is_debug= query parameter.

Note that this plugin will only work when catalyst debug is off since
CATALYST_DEBUG=1 injects a 'sub debug { 1 }' into MyApp::, therefore the
overloaded debug in this plugin would not be executed.

CONFIGURATION secret_key This is a key hashed with a username to provide cookie security

cookie_name Sets the name of the cookie (optional). Defaults to 'debug_cookie'

EXTENDED METHODS The following methods are extended from the main Catalyst application class.

prepare Sets 'X-Catalyst-Debug' header and enables stats when debug is on

debug Determines whether debug should be set based on cookie and query param

use_stats Determines whether use_stats should be set based on cookie and query param

METHODS valid_debug_mode Checks for is_debug query param and checks for a valid cookie and returns true if both are validated

AUTHOR John Goulah [email protected]

COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
