Home > ccd_workstation


Ccd_workstation is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the Unlicense license.

Some chef scripts Cloud City Development finds useful for use with soloist

These are some chef recipes Cloud City Development has found useful to supplement pivotal_workstation for use with soloist.

This is primarily meant to be included as a git submodule next to your other cookbooks. For development and internal use it's set-up so if it lives in a sibling folder of pivotal_workstation (and possibly later opscode cookbooks if I need any) then it can be run on it's own via soloist.

If you run it on it's own, put it in an isolated folder (I made the soloistrc check ../ for cookbooks) next to pivotal_workstation

These presume you have xcode installed, but you could probably use http://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer

  • gem install bundler
  • bundle (I checked in a .bundle/config with binstubs, so if ./bin is in your path, which it will be after the first run)
  • soloist

If you check the docs for soloist you will see that the soloistrc file determines which recipes get run. ;)

Overriding attributes (like the path to the workspace directory)

I've .gitignore'd anything that ends in _override.rb in the attributes folder, so you can add files for override attributes.
