Home > cclambda


Cclambda is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, it's free.

⇄ http://dev.ipol.im/git/nil/cclambda.git mirror (C compiled lambda filter on images)

% cclambda: C compiled lambda filter on images

  • synopsis
  • description
  • requirements
  • files
  • compilation
  • usage
  • expression syntax
  • examples
  • advanced use
  • bugs
  • todo
  • copyright


./cclambda "expression" < in > out
CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3 -ffast-math" ./cclambda "expr" < in > out


cclambda applies an expression to all the pixels of a collection of 2D arrays. The goal of cclambda is similar to Enric Meinhardt's plambda[1], and cclambda was started after thinking about possible variations around plambda. The main differences between the two codes is that cclambda implements no expression parser, stack or dynamic instruction handling; instead, cclambda writes the expression in a plain C code context, compiles it and executes the result.

cclambda is less formal and elegant than plambda, it's on the "dirty hack" side of the force. I hope cclambda can be faster than plambda, or at least be the proof of concept of another implementation.

cclambda a very early development stage, which means the features are limited and the implementation is hacky and full of bugs. Further development may or may not improve it, depending on the usefulness of cclambda and the interest of the author.

[1] http://dev.ipol.im/git/?p=coco/imscript.git


  • a POSIX system (for dlopen(), mkstemp(), ...)
  • a C compiler to build cclambda
  • libtcc for dynamic run-time compilation, if WITHOUT_LIBTCC is not defined at compile time


  • cclambda.c cli handler
  • cclambda_lib.c main code
  • lambda.h dynamically compiled code template, from lambda.c
  • io_bds.{c,h} BDS stream read/write


Use the makefile, with make.

Alternatively, you can manually compile cclambda with:

cc cclambda.c cclambda_lib.c io_bds.c -DWITH_LIBTCC -DNDEBUG \
-ltcc -ldl -o cclambda


cclambda [-c|-h]
cclambda 'expr' < in1 in2 ... > out

    -c       dump loop code
    -h       this help
    inN      1 to 4 input data sources
    expr     C expression, no '__', ';' or ''' allowed

The default C compiler is the embedded libtcc. It is a fast C compiling tool with few optimizations and some bugs (see BUGS). For complex expression on large images, you can benefit from compiler optimization by specifying an external compiler and the compiling flags in the CC and CFLAGS environment variables:

CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3" ./cclambda "expr" < in > out

External compilation been tested on linux 2.6.32, amd64 architecture, with GNU ld 2.20.1 and the following compilers:

  • gcc 4.4.5
  • tcc 0.9.25
  • nwcc 0.8.1
  • pathcc 4.0.10
  • suncc 5.11
  • icc 12.0.4


The "expression" is a C expression, inserted in a pixel loop similar to:

for (i=0, i<..; i++)
    for (j=0, i<..; i++)
    output[i, j] = <expression>;

The expression can contain any C code valid in this context. The libc math.h header is included, so all the constants and functions defined in this header (on your system) are available.

You can refer to the input float arrays as A, B, C and D. No more than 4 input arrays are (currently) supported.

The array width and height are available as the NX and NY macros. You can also access the current horizontal and vertical coordinates via the I and J macros, in [0,NX[ ans [0,NY[.

Some other convenience macros are available:

  • N number of pixels in the array
  • R2 square normalized distance to the center of the array
  • T angle from the center of the array

For every array item, some position modifiers are available: A_(dx, dy) is the value of the array A on the position I+dx, _J+dy.

A value at position (I,J) A(0,0) value at position (I,J) A(1,0) value at position (I+1,J) A_(-1,-1) value at position (I-1,J-1)

Access out of the arrays gives a 0 value.


Sum two arrays:

cclambda a b "(A + B) / 2" > c

Add a gaussian to half of lena:

cclambda "(A / 2) + exp(-40. * sqrt(R2))" < lena > out

Forward differences to compute the derivative in horizontal direction:

cclambda "A_(1,0) - A" < lena > out

Sobel edge detector:

cat lena | cclambda "hypot(2 * A(1,0) + A(1,1) + A_(1,-1)

  • 2 A(-1,0) + A(-1,1) + A_(-1,-1), 2 A(0,1) + A(1,1) + A_(-1,1)
  • 2 * A(0,-1) + A(1,-1) + A_(-1,-1))" > sobel



The cclambda loop processes every pixel with the same operations. This is well adapted to parallel processing, and cclambda can use OpenMP multi-threading to process large images faster.

To use OpenMP, you need to compile cclambda with OpenMP compiler options. The makefile contains presets for gcc compilers, enabled with make OMP=1. Options for other compilers (icc, suncc) are commented in makefile.openmp.

Alternatively, you can manually compile cclambda with gcc and OpenMP support with:

gcc cclambda.c cclambda_lib.c io_bds.c -DWITH_LIBTCC -DNDEBUG \
-fopenmp -ltcc -ldl -lgomp -o cclambda

Then you must use cclambda with the same compiler and compiler options:

CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3 -fopenmp" ./cclambda "expr" < in > out

OpenMP will only work when cclambda is compiled and invoked with the same compiler and compiler options. But you can use an OpenMP-enabled cclambda with any compiler (including the internal libtcc) if you don't use parallel processing.


Compiling cclambda in debug mode (without the NDEBUG macro) activates debugging options:

  • the compilation, execution and input/output time are measured;
  • the compiler choice (libtcc or an external compiler) is reported, with the preprocessor symbols and the full compiler and linker command-line when an external compiler is used;
  • the -g option is automatically added to the compiler flags;
  • the number of OpenMP threads is reported.

You can compile in debug mode with the special make target "debug". This will also compile cclambda with the debug symbols and link with the Electric Fence memory debugging library.

Alternatively, you can do it manually with:

cc -g cclambda.c cclambda_lib.c io_bds.c -DWITH_LIBTCC -UNDEBUG \
-ltcc -ldl -o cclambda


Some expressions trigger a segmentation fault on tcc_compile() or tcc_delete(). This complex bug has not been investigated yet, and it may or may not happen depending on the compilation settings. Meanwhile, we recommend to compile cclambda without optimization, as it seems to "solve" some of these errors. You can still use compiler optimizations for the loop via CFLAGS at run time.


Compare compiler speed Compare speed with plambda Windows version More macros RGB solution


Copyright 2011 Nicolas Limare [email protected]

Copying and distribution of this README file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
