Home > cookbook


Cookbook is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Rails3-based webapp to organize recipes

2011-09-27T 23:26CT

This webapp lets users organize recipes. You must register and then log in to be able to add recipes or list the cooks, but anyone can list or search recipes.

See /test/selenium/ for all verified user functionality.


========================== INSTALL 1a. Download and unpack the project from https://github.com/cdagnon/cookbook 1b. Check out the project from git (see http://help.github.com/ or http://help.github.com/win-set-up-git/) 2. > cd cookbook 3. > bundle install 4. > rake db:reset or resetdb.bat (SEE NOTE below)

RUN SERVER 0. run install (above)

  1. rails s --port=3637 or dev.bat

  2. URL: http://localhost:3637/

UNIT TESTS 0. run install (above)

  1. rake db:test:load or firstest.bat

  2. rake test:units or testunits.bat

Verify the front-end: 0. Install the Firefox Selenium plug-in 0.1. Install the project

  1. rake db:reset or resetdb.bat

  2. Run server (above)
  3. Open cookbook/test/selenium/permissions_and_register_user.html in the Selenium IDE
  4. Run it.

NOTE When I ran 'bundle install' 20110928W 00:30CT, and gem dependencies made it fail:

C:\tmp\cdagnon-cookbook-41c2955>bundle Fetching source index for http://rubygems.org/ Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rack-test": In Gemfile: rails (= 3.0.1) depends on rack-test (~> 0.5.4)

cucumber-rails (= 0.4.0) depends on
  rack-test (0.6.1)

But during my initial install 7 days ago and now, 6.5 hours later, it runs fine (eg. no local modifications).
