Home > happy


Happy is a project mainly written in C and R, it's free.

Happy is an R package to help with the identification of genetic loci that are associated with a disease. It is designed to be applied to genotyping data of one generation, that are all derived from a limited number (~ 8) of parents. Those conditions are found in lab grown animals, for which the individuals are either inbred, to be then shared in the community, or larger experiments which may decide to outbreed individuals from a small founder generation.

To help the aims of the EU COST "SYSGENET", happy is now made available as a github project. This will also help the development of happy, which today is dispersed among its current and past contributors. All of them will have github repositories themselves. For the moment, you are asked to take a repository (probably a master branch) of your liking, as the core functionality is shared among them all. Further instructions on where to download from will be published in due course on

