Home > cerberus-prox-frontend


Cerberus-prox-frontend is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

A Fronted for the cerberus-proxy


This is a rails app that is meant to serve as a frontend to the cerberus-prox project

The Cerberus Prox is an application that interfaces with an open-source RFID reader design to enable swipecard access to the Austin HackerSpace.

Cerberus Prox is a java application that uses a MySQL database to store the data about Cards, Doors, and Access Priviledges (ie: is this card a known card? and do they have access to the door?)

The problem is that the only way to administrate your doorsystem was via directly manipulating the database.


The Cerberus Prox Frontend is a tested Rails 3 applicaiton that allows easy administration of the doorsystem.

Some cool features:

  • Simple administration of cards, doors, and access priviledges
  • Card Capture system instead of keying the card manually (if you don't know its ID)
  • When XML-RPC is enabled, the dashboard allows you to open any door from the web interface
  • Timeline for the access log

We're actively developing this project at the Austin Hackerspace and are eager to start sharing with other spaces!
