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Cernvm-control-panel is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

A libvirt based tool for managing CernVM images


CernVM Installer is an open source tool for downloading and installing CernVM releases Author: Artem Harutyunyan (Artem.Harutyunyan at cern.ch) (C) CERN PH-SFT 2010-2011


CernVM Installer sources can be obtained from



The build system of CernVM Installer has been developed on the basis of CMakeQt project (http://github.com/rohityadav/cmakeqt, (C) Rohit Yadav

, 2009-11) mkdir build && cd build cmake .. && make The binary will be created in /bin *** Packaging *** 1. On Linux: make package To force deb: cpack -G DEB To force rom: cpack -G RPM 2. On Mac: (gcc, g++, make, cmake, qt 4.6+ etc. must be installed...) cd contribs sh contribs-mac.sh This will by default create a Mac Bundle, cernvm-installer.app in build/bin To create a dmg image: Uncomment #dmg in /src/CMakeLists.txt, at the end of the file. and follow the build process, the dmg will be created in build/bin 3. To cross-compile and package on linux for windows: cd contribs sh contribs.sh mkdir win32 && cd win32 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain-win32.cmake .. make make installer This will create an .exe installer in win32/bin