Home > watch


Watch is a project mainly written in C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

This is a port of watch(1) for Mac OS X.


This package contains the 'watch' command line program
from the 'procps' Linux utilities package, slightly
modified and tweaked to run on Mac OS X by Sveinbjorn
Thordarson <[email protected]> and Chad Whitacre <[email protected]>.


This package has been tested on Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4,
but should in theory work on any Mac OS X installation
which includes the ncurses library.


In order to install this program, you should run the
following commands from the source directory:

sudo make install

The default installation path is /usr/local/bin/ for the
'watch' application binary, and /usr/share/man/man1 for 
the 'watch' manpage.  /usr/local/bin is not included in
the default Mac OS X path, so you may have to add it to
your shell initialization script (typically, ~/.profile)
To change the installation paths, you must edit the 
Makefile manually.


If you are a downstream maintainer (packager) of any sort,
please avoid causing troubles. This section applies to you.

Send patches in regularly. Many patches made by vendors have been buggy,
some quite severely so. Sending in a patch will at least get it reviewed,
if not included. There is a procps test suite that must be passed.
Forward all bug reports. If your bug database is public and busy enough
to bother with, please make this known. Follow Debian's lead in making
the bug database easy to comment on via email w/o need for an account.

Do not change the user interface. Many of the programs are intended to be
compatible with Solaris, FreeBSD, AIX, IRIX, Tru64, and the UNIX standard.
Your nice new command options WILL BE BROKEN as needed to ensure that
procps remains compatible with the rest of the world. Sysadmins hate to
deal with incompatible behavior. If you need a new option, ask for it.

For normal packages, ensure that you do not add debugging flags
to the CFLAGS variable. If debugging flags are present, the Makefile
will avoid adding several optimizations that would interfere with gdb.

There should be no need to modify the Makefile. You can set variables
on the "make" command line or use "make -e" to pass variables from
the environment.


For bugs relating to this particular package, email Sveinbjorn Thordarson <[email protected]>
Debian users should use the Debian bug tracking system.
Email to [email protected] or [email protected] or
[email protected] will also work.