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Checkable is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Bequethed input checking of child input objects

h1. jQuery.Checkable

By Alex Eckermann.

jQuery.Checkable is a jQuery plugin which allows you to check child radio buttons or checkboxes.

An example, in order to have a nice UI you want a user to select some images and to do this you need a checkbox but you don't want them to click a checkbox. Instead you want them to click the image and have a hidden checkbox. Well thats what this does, on click of a parent the child :radio and :checkbox elements are checked. It also flags the active parent to be selected.

h2. Dependencies

This plugin requires jQuery v1.4+

h2. Usage

Ill have this up in a jiffly

h2. Issues

Currently it assumes you only want 1 of the items selected in a collection, like a radio button, but this plugin is also meant for checkboxes. It just needs a slight adjustment to tell it not to or to clear out sibling selections.
