Home > Chip-8-Emulator


Chip-8-Emulator is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

A Chip-8 Emulator that can play Chip-8 ROMs.

A simple chip-8 emulator.

Usage: Run executable from command line specifying a path to a Chip-8 ROM. e.g. ./Chip8-Emulator ../GAMES/PONG

Keys: The key bindings are as follows: key 1: 1 key 2: 2 key 3: 3 key C: 4 key 4: q key 5: w key 6: e key D: r key 7: a key 8: s key 9: d key E: f key A: z key 0: x key B: c key F: v

Known Issues:

  • Currently does not play sound
  • Some ROMS may not work.
    • Roms known to not work:
      • VERS