Home > christian_cms


Christian_cms is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

A Rails project for local church

=== What is this? ===

This is a very simple Restfull CMS application written in Ruby on Rails 2.2.2 It was made for my local church and I decided to make it public. Patches and comments are welcome.

=== How to get Church CMS up and running ===

Required Gems: 'will_paginate' 'fastercsv' 'mini_magick' 'redcloth' 'feed_tools' 'json' 'memcache-client' (for production session storage)

=== Memcached: === you can disable memcached in environments/production.rb

=== Instructions: ===

Quick Setup (currently for non-Windows users only - due to ferret gem issues):

  1. Create the database
  2. Copy and Edit config/database.yml.sample to config/database.yml
    1. Edit config/initializers/settings.rb
    2. rake db:migrate
    3. ruby script/server