Home > gilbert


Gilbert is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Rails + Juggernaut (node.js + socket.io) + Redis + MySQL

== Gilbert

This is a very simple experiment to see what it would be like to use juggernaut for real-time updates to comments on articles. It's contrived, but that's ok, it's an experiment afterall.

= Requirements

  • ruby 1.9.2
  • bundler 1.0+
  • mysql 5.0+
  • redis 2.0+
  • node.js 0.2.4+

= Do it now

Make sure you have all of the git submodules in place: $ git submodule update --init --recursive

First time setup: $ rake db:create db:reset

Start the websockets evented server: $ cd juggernaut && node server.js

Start the rails application: $ unicorn -p 3000

Check out the applicaiton: Open http://localhost:3000/articles/1 in multiple browsers and start adding comments.
