Home > chrome-for-a-cause-faster


Chrome-for-a-cause-faster is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A Chrome extension to quickly hit your daily allocation of 250 tabs.

This is a very simple chrome extension to game the tab opening feature of the google causes chrome extension

Download Chrome for a Cause first https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bbfammmagchhaohncbhghoohcfoeckdi?hl=en

Then just install this unpacked extension. Or... if you are lazy.

Just point your browser to. http://spazout.com/ChromeCausesPwner.crx

UPDATE: 12-16-2010 Looks like the plugin does not work today... le sigh, well in looking at the terms and conditions. One is limited to 1 tab per second.... so I've slowed the plugin down. New tabs are opened at the rate of compliance.

Enjoy being both naughty and nice this holiday! @chews