Home > Chrome-syntax-script


Chrome-syntax-script is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Syntax script for RemObjects Software's Chrome compiler

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1608

This is a syntax script for RemObjects Software's Chrome compiler. That is, for those, who don't know, a compiler for the .NET-Framework or Mono-Framework (which should be almost the same, except for the OS). I just wrote it from the chm help file shipped with the compiler. I just used attributes for color terminals because I got the Windows version without gui so I can't use any other attributes. Maybe the script is not compatible to your shell (though an 8 color terminal is a rather rare sight in these days). And I don't know anything about the least vim version (I asumed 6.0 because it is one major version before the today's, I got 6.4 and it works fine.) I'm not opposed to feedback from users, so don't be afraid to make my POP3 server work. The address is [email protected], and the preferred language is german (my mother tongue) because all the spam I get is english, so I can filter easily. Don't worry: A handwritten mail won't see the dephts of my spam directory. At least I think so.
