Home > chrome-tic_tac_toe


Chrome-tic_tac_toe is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Lose Tic Tac Toe against your browser.


Chrome Tic Tac Toe is a simple Web Application for Google Chrome. It runs entirely locally, and uses an efficient rule based approach to provide an AI opponent so that you can lose all by yourself, rather than in the company of others.


To build the extension, run

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake

The resulting extension will be in dist/, signed with test keys.


In Google Chrome, navigate to chrome-tic_tac_toe/dist, and click on the .crx file, and Chrome should prompt you to install the extension. It should then be available under the "Apps" section of the default new tab page.


Chrome Tic Tac Toe uses prototype.js as its core library, Sprockets for Javascript merge and asset management, and Jasmine for unit and functional tests. More details on the last can be found in the Jasmine documentation, however if you are merely interested in running the test suite,

 $ bundle exec rake jasmine

will suffice. Note that presently you will need to rebuild the project before rerunning tests, as the Jasmine server is not aware of the Sprockets build sequence.