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Scraping Chuck Norris Facts from chucknorrisfacts.com

When Chuck Norris eats dinner at a restaurant, the wait staff tips him.

In honor of a tweet from Roger Ehrenberg (@infoarbitrage and my Chuck-Norris-Fact-crazy 11-year-old, here are the facts freshly scraped from http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com

Please be a good citizen and use the attached data file rather than run the code yourself. The code is here for illustrative purposes.

"If Chuck Norris would be president, the "Defense department" would be renamed "Offense department".

Scraping the site was a pain - I learned, the hard way of course, that each page's html has far more facts than what are displayed. The reason for this is that the developer loads a few dozen facts for the "Top Chuck Norris Facts" module upon each pageview, instead of displaying them using some ajax calls. Then again, what do I know about web dev, I'm just a lowly data nerd.
