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Cish is a project mainly written in PERL and PARROT, it's free.

C-ish language demonstration of PCT


This is a brief introduction to the Parrot Compiler Toolkit (PCT). It should not be construed as documentation or a tutorial, but hopefully will be useful for anyone trying to figure out how to make a language for the Parrot VM, and perhaps explain why someone might want to do that.

What does it do?

Makes building a language on Parrot simple.

No, really. PCT provides a powerful parsing language using Perl 6 rules, the new and improved version of the ever popular Perl regex. It also provides a pre-made abstract syntax tree (AST) library, creatively named Parrot AST or PAST. It then converts your AST into a Parrot Opcode Syntax Tree (POST), which itself compiles into Parrot Intermediate Representation (PIR). And it lets you control all of this with a language which is almost, but Not Quite Perl (NQP).

Okay, that may have been a little dense, but I'll describe each bit of it in more detail later. The short version is that it lets you build a language for the Parrot VM using a series of libraries for all steps of compilation using an expressive language:

  • Parsing
  • Optimization
  • Code Generation

It also provides a default framework that connects all of these things together and provides an interpreter, an interactive read-execute-print loop (REPL) and compilation to a low-level assembler-like language (PIR).

Why do I care?

Because the Parrot VM is the next best thing for dynamic, or scripting, languages. It provides:

  • Cross-platform support
  • Multiple language support
  • Complex language features
  • Object Orientation
  • Register-based VM

Cross-platform support

Parrot is designed to support not only Linux but also BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows. Pre-built packages are available for most of these, and the VM comes with objects to provide file I/O, sockets, and threading on all supported platforms.

Multiple language support

Parrot is designed from the ground up to support multiple languages running side by side. It provides native integers, floating point numbers, strings, and objects (called PMCs) along with some standard containers like resizing arrays, hashes, and iterators. Any language built on top of these features should be able to call libraries written in any other language on Parrot.

Complex language features

Parrot comes with built-in support for features that are often difficult to get right:

  • Continuations
  • Concurrency
  • Events
  • Exceptions
  • Garbage Collection
  • Multiple Dispatch (function overloading)
  • Native Libraries (calling C code a/k/a Native Call Interface)

Object Oriented

Does this look like assembler?

.sub main :main
    .local string name
    .local pmc file
    push_eh file_error # Jump on error

    name = 'myfile.txt'
    file = new 'FileHandle'
    file.'open'(name, 'w')
    file.'print'('Hello, world!')
    goto end

    say "Error opening myfile.txt!"


No? That's how you open and write to a file using the Parrot Intermediate Representation (PIR). There is a slightly lower level language called PASM (Parrot Assembly), but human written code is typically in PIR and each of those method calls turn into only one or two instructions.

Parrot objects are called PMCs, which stands for PolyMorphic Container. PMCs are how Parrot sees all complex data and like most objects have both data and methods. They also have a "VTABLE" which specifies how they should work with standard opcodes like "add" and "bitwise_not" and even how to be stored as a string or used as a stack.

Register-based VM

Being register based may seem like a minor technical distinction, but there are far more books and algorithms to optimize register code than there are stack machines like the Java VM or .Net's CLR. A program on a register machine also requires less opcodes than on a stack machine, which means that the VM can run faster.

"VM Showdown: Stack vs Registers (Shi, Gregg, Beatty)"

How do I get it?

Parrot is available for download from http://parrot.org/download, and the source is available on Github. Once you have downloaded and extracted the source, it can be built with two simple commands:

$ perl Configure.pl
$ make

It does require a C compiler, make and Perl 5.8 to build from source. It will use ICU to provide Unicode support and GMP for arbitrary precision integers if available.

Parrot can be used straight from it's build directory or can be installed with a simple make install command. For the rest of this document, I'll assume you have built Parrot and installed it to /usr.

While there are packages available for many Linux distributions, they are not all recent or complete. Debian testing contains a year old version (and there have been many changes since then) and the scripts needed for using PCT are in a package named "parrot-devel".

If using a package, ensure that it's a recent version and that it contains the PCT tools. The most recent version as of this writing (Jan 2011) is 3.0.0 and versions are released approximately monthly. To see if your package contains PCT, look for a file named mk_language_shell.pl in /usr/lib/parrot/3.0.0/tools/dev (or similar).

Where'd it come from?

The Parrot VM has its origins in an April Fool's joke about a language that would unite Python and Perl. The Perl community used the name when they decided to create a virtual machine that could handle not only Perl 6, but also other dynamic languages like Python, Ruby, and Lua.

The Parrot Compiler Toolkit has existed in various forms since the beginning of the Parrot project and is in very active use by Rakudo, the Perl 6 on Parrot project.

Using PCT

All that background is very nice, but what does the PCT look like? The best way to show it is to walk through creating a simple language with it. Fortunately, PCT gives us a simple language with a single command.

By this point you should have a full installation of Parrot. If not, scroll back up to "How do I get it?". I'll wait. Back? Good. Now, open up a shell and run the following: (I'm using cish since that's the name of the example I'll use later.)

$ perl /usr/lib/parrot/3.0.0/tools/dev/mk_language_shell.pl cish

If that doesn't work, your copy of parrot is probably in a slightly different place than mine. If you're running parrot from the source, mk_language_shell.pl is in parrot-3.0.0/tools/dev. If you installed a different version, change the 3.0.0 above. If you (or the package from your distro) put it somewhere different than me, look in places like /opt and /usr/local for a lib/parrot directory.

This is the last time you need to find strange files like that. From now on, all you need is a copy of the main parrot binary on your $PATH.

That command creates a directory cish/ that contains all the files needed start writing a language with PCT. Parrot needs a name for your language because other people can ask to compile your language so trying things like .../mk_language_shell.pl . won't work (or at least won't work well). Let's check the contents of cish/. It should have (from least to most interesting):

  • PARROT_REVISION: a file that should hold the version of Parrot needed to run your language. Unfortunately broken.
  • README: A file that describes your language. Very empty right now, but it does talk about running parrot setup.pir, which is an important clue as to what do to next.
  • cish/: An empty directory that will hold the compiled result of your language.
  • t/: A file for tests for your language. Normally a great idea, but I'll gloss over this for simplicity. The test files are supposed to be written in your language and output the Test Anything Protocol
  • setup.pir: A PIR program (run with parrot) that helps build your program. You can run it with:
    • build: (the default) builds your language
    • test: runs the tests scripts in t/
    • install: Installs your language to /usr/local
  • cish.pir: The front-end for your language. A very thin layer around The cish compiler object.
  • src/
    • cish.pir: The compiler object. This creates a HLL object named cish and includes a variety of files named gen_*.pir. I'll explain this in a moment.
    • cish/: The important directory, full of NQP files.
      • Compiler.pm: A small bit of code to connect everything else.
      • Runtime.pm: The "standard library"
      • Grammar.pm: The grammar, written in Perl 6 rules
      • Actions.pm: The tree building code

You may have noticed that these files already have code. Running parrot setup.pir (from the main directory) will compile it. This does the following:

  1. Uses NQP to compile the .pm files to PIR.
  2. Uses Parrot to compile the PIR to bytecode (PBC).
  3. Uses pbc_to_exe to make a C wrapper for your language.
  4. Uses your C compiler to build the wrapper.

Step 1 creates the gen_*.pir files referenced in cish/cish.pir. NQP stands for Not Quite Perl. It provides a far more friendly language to write in than PIR, including providing very nice features for compilers like regular expressions and complex tree-based match objects. If you know Perl, the language will look familiar, but slightly different. The first major difference is that it is based on Perl 6, not Perl 5. The second is that you can use pir:: at any point to access Parrot VM opcodes directly.

Steps 3 and 4 are interesting. It generates a short C program that accesses the Parrot VM through it's embedding interface and executes your code. You can run your language using any of the following:

  • parrot cish.pir: Compiles the PIR code and runs it
  • parrot cish.pbc: Loads the compiled bytecode
  • ./installed_cish: Runs an embedded Parrot VM to load your language. (I'll use this from now on)

Trying out the default language

PCT creates a language that has the following features:

  • Simple mathmatical expressions: *, /, +, -
  • Output with print and say. (say is similar to println from Java.)
  • String literals
  • Comments starting with #

The front-end already has several nice features:

  • --target to view compilation steps
  • Read-Execute-Print Loop
  • Ability to run scripts (via #!)


The --target option provides insight to what is actually happening as PCT processes the source. It accepts the following four options: parse, past, post and pir. Each corresponds to a stage of compilation, which I'll talk about in the next section. If you're curious, you can run each of the following commands and examine the output:

$ echo 'say 1+1' > temp
$ ./installable_cish --target=parse temp
$ ./installable_cish --target=past  temp
$ ./installable_cish --target=post  temp
$ ./installable_cish --target=pir   temp

Of the four, I only really find the PAST and PIR output readable, but each one gives you some idea of what's happening.

Read-Execute-Print Loop

A REPL is a very common feature of dynamic languages. Running ./installable_cish without any arguments brings you to a prompt. Typing in any valid code will show you the result immediately:

$ ./installable_cish
> 1+1
> 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
> invalid code
Syntax error at line 1, near "invalid co"


Given a file and no --target argument, it will run the file immediately. This is very useful in *nix environments, where starting a file with #!./installable_cish will start your language with the script as an argument. For example:

$ echo '#!./installable_cish` > temp
$ echo 'say "Hello World!"' >> temp
$ chmod o+x temp
$ ./temp
Hello World!


PCT compilers use four phases: Parsing, PAST building, POST generation, and PIR generation. Of these, you only have to write the first two. PCT knows how to build code from PAST. That's the point of using PAST, after all. Let's examine the four stages using the code and the output of various --target options.

Parsing is done via a subset of Perl 6 rules. This is a language derived from regular expressions, but more regular and better for parsing. The grammar is found in cish/src/cish/Grammar.pm and is written in NQP. I'll walk through it step-by-step. (Not quite line-by-line.)

To begin with, it uses two styles of comments. One is the familiar "# to end of line" comment. The other is Plain Old Documentation (POD). POD is intended to function much like Javadoc or Doxygen, but all you need to know here is that NQP will ignore everything between =begin and =end, but only if those keywords are at the beginning of a line.

grammar cish::Grammar is HLL::Grammar;

This defines the grammar, which is actually a class. In NQP, grammars are classes and rules are methods. If this sounds like this will be a recursive decent parser, you're half right. (Wait for the other half.) The upside to arranging things like this is that we can inherit grammars to save a lot of time.

HLL::Grammar is the default grammar (HLL stands for High Level Language). It defines useful rules like integer (including binary, octal, and hex), dec_number (floats with scientific notation), and identifier. It as provides error handling.

token TOP {
    [ $ || <.panic: "Syntax error"> ]

There are two kinds of rules: rules and tokens. A rule allows backtracking and matches whitespace literally, while a token does neither. TOP is a special name for a rule: it's where PCT starts parsing your language. It is defined here as a token so that if it reaches the end of your program too early, it doesn't go back and try to re-parse your program another way (probably a futile effort).

Now for some syntax explanation. I won't go into much depth about the grammar language, explaining just enough to move forward at each point. If you're ever more curious, you can check out the full specification.

Plain text inside angle brackets invokes another rule: like <statementlist> here in TOP. Since rules are methods, you can invoke any method this way, like panic. The . in front of panic just means we don't care about the return result of the method, but by default NQP will remember what each sub-rule matched (this will be useful in the next step of parsing). Other special syntax can be found inside angle brackets like this, distinquished by the first character.

The square brackets provide grouping, much like parenthesis. However, Parenthesis remember what they matched (an anonymous sub-rule, in a way) and square brackets don't. In this case, it's used to limit the reach of the || alternation operator.

token ws {
    [ '#' \N* \n? | \s+ ]*

ws is another special rule. It can match anywhere there is whitespace in a rule (but not token). It is typical to define comments inside ws so they get safely ignored.

<!ww> means that the rule ww does not match here. ww is a special rule in NQP that means "between two word characters" (word characters are alphanumerics and underscore, usually written \w). This keeps whitespace from matching in in the middle of identifiers.

| is a slightly different alternation operator. A single bar will match whichever side matches more text (longest token matching) and a double bar will try the second side only if the first fails.

The backslash escaped letters represent character classes. These will be familiar to you if you know Perl 5 regexes. \n is newline and \N is not a newline, which makes the left half of the alternation match a comment until end of line. \s represents any whitespace character such as spaces, tabs, and newlines.

This rule uses every kind of repetition operator. ? makes the previous token optional (0 or 1 times), * matches zero or more times, while + matches at least once but possibly more. The last star applies to the entire group, while the others are attached to a single character.

rule statementlist { [ <statement> | <?> ] ** ';' }

statementlist is, as you might expect, a list of statements. Because it is defined as a standard rule, whitespace (as defined by ws) can appear any place whitespace is in the rule. Whitespace in tokens is only for clarity (but can be matched with <ws> or \s).

The three interesting bits of syntax are <?>, **, and the quotes. <?> is the empty rule and literally matches nothing. ** is a special repetition operator, which requires the token (or group) after it between every repetition. This rule therefore only requires semicolons between statements, not after them. The quotes match their contents literally, which is very useful if you want to match things like '+' or '*'.

proto token statement_control { <...> }

statement is rather mundane, but statement_control requires some attention. See, I was fibbing slightly when I said there are two kinds of rules. You can also declare a rule as a proto. This creates a kind of extension point for the language. Instead of saying that a statement is an if, or a while, or a something else or another thing, you can say its a statement_control, which is a proto. You can then declare as many types of statement_controls as you wish. This helps prevent mistakes where you forget to include a subrule in a long list of alternations. (Which is useful because NQP won't tell you if you've misspelled a subrule.) The <...> means match whatever the other rule says.

rule statement_control:sym<say>   { <sym> [ <EXPR> ] ** ','  }
rule statement_control:sym<print> { <sym> [ <EXPR> ] ** ','  }

This is the syntax to add rules to a proto. <sym> in the rule matches whatever comes between the brackets in the rule name. Protos are used to great effect in the expression parser, which is the <EXPR> part from statement.

Expression Parser

Where LL parsers really fail is mathmatical expressions. If you try to do left recursion, NQP will happily call the same rule over and over again until it hits a recursion limit and dies. So you can't write something like this:

rule expression { <expression> '+' <expression> | <number> }

But earilier I said that LL parsing is only half the story. NQP embeds a LR parser in the EXPR rule, specifically to parse expressions like this. It also defines a very flexable series of protos: circumfix, infix, postfix, postcircumfix, prefix and term. The rules fit together like this: (The ... are the protos you can fill in.)

EXPR:       termish ( infix termish )*;
termish:    prefixish* term postfixish*;
prefixish:  prefix ws;
postfixish: postfix | postcircumfix;

circumfix:     ...
infix:         ...
postfix:       ...
postcircumfix: ...
prefix:        ...
term:          ... | circumfix

While infix, postfix and prefix are fairly simple to understand, the others might need some explanation. Two have examples in the code:

token term:sym<integer> { <integer> } 
token term:sym<quote> { <quote> }

term is any final expression like variables and literals.

token circumfix:sym<( )> { '(' <.ws> <EXPR> ')' }

circumfix is intended to go around expressions. As noted above, it's really just a special kind of term. It's actually defined in the NQP source as:

proto token circumfix { <...> }
token term:sym<circumfix> { <circumfix> }

postcircumfix is intended to surround expressions but appear after expressions. This is where things like function calls and array subscripting would be defined.

Of course, to make an LR parser work we need to define precedence. This occurs in two places. You must define your precedence levels in an INIT block, which is run when your code is first loaded into the VM. The other is in each operator rule. Since circumfix operators are a special kind of term, they don't need precedence levels.

    cish::Grammar.O(':prec<u>, :assoc<left>',  '%multiplicative');
    cish::Grammar.O(':prec<t>, :assoc<left>',  '%additive');

Each level is defined by a call to the O method on your grammar. (It's part of HLL::Grammar.) It takes two stings as arguments. The first defines the settings for a precedence level and the second gives it a name which is used later in the rules. These names should start with %, as they may be implemented with actual hashes at some point.

There are two settings that affect parsing for a level: precedence and associativity. The two settings are separated by a comma and are in a string. Precedence is specified as :prec<string>. The levels are sorted based on these strings, in ASCII order ( 0-9, A-Z, a-z ), and later strings have lower precedence. The associativity one of the following:

  • :assoc<left>, :assoc<right>
  • :assoc<unary> - unary operators (postfix/prefix) must be marked with this. Otherwise the parser may get very confused looking for the other operand.
  • :assoc<list> - Creates a list of all operands. If infix:sym<,> is defined as :assoc<list>, NQP will parse 1,2,3 as a flat list [1,2,3] instead of a tree {{1,2},3}.

Note that there is no non-associative setting. Enforcing non-associativity would have to be done in your actions. (There also appear to be undocumented settings: :uassoc, :nextterm, :sub and :reducecheck. Of them, I could only determine that :reducecheck<method> will call method when determining if the grammar should reduce at that point, but I can't tell how it's supposed to influence the result at all.)

token infix:sym<*>  { <sym> <O('%multiplicative, :pirop<mul>')> }

The settings for each operator generally very simple, they first parse their symbol, then include the settings for the operator. %multiplicative refers to the precedence table above, but each also includes a :pirop<opcode> setting that is used by NQP to automatically generate PAST nodes for expressions. The argument to :pirop is any PIR opcode.

Parse Output

With the grammar explained, we can see what it produces with some basic output:

$ ./installable_cish --target=parse
> say 1+1
"parse" => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
    <statementlist> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
        <statement> => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
            PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
                <statement_control> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
                    <EXPR> => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
                        PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5 {
                            <OPER> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5 {
                                <sym> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5
                                <O> => Hash {
                                    "assoc" => "left",
                                    "pirop" => "add",
                                    "prec" => "t"
                            <infix> => \parse[0][0]
                            [0] => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 4 {
                                <integer> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 4 {
                                    <VALUE> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 4
                                    <decint> => \parse[0][0]
                            [1] => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 6 {
                                <integer> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 6 {
                                    <VALUE> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 6
                                    <decint> => \parse[0][0]
                    <sym> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say" @ 0

That's a lot of output, but it's simple to understand if you take it piece by piece. First thing to understand is that the output is a tree, which we'd expect to have the following format: (Pardon the ASCII art)

\- +
 |- 1
 \- 1

So the top level is

"parse" => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
    <statementlist> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
        <statement> => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [

The basic format here is name => type value. Remember that PMCs are Parrot classes. The semicolon is how parrot separates namespaces. In most languages Regex;Match would be spelled Regex::Match, and they represent the results of matching strings to rules. ResizablePMCArray is what it says: it's much like a Vector<Object> in Java.

Match objects store the string that they matched and the position. The first match object is the result of TOP and matches the full string at position 0. The match object stores the results of sub-rules by their name. TOP matches a single statementlist, which in turn matches multiple statements. If a subrule is matched multiple times, it is naturally stored as an array.

PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
    <statement_control> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say 1+1\n" @ 0 {
        <EXPR> => ResizablePMCArray (size:1) [
            PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5 {
                <OPER> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5 {
                    <sym> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "+" @ 5
                    <O> => Hash { ... }
                <infix> => \parse[0][0]
                [0] => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 4 { ... }
                [1] => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "1" @ 6 { ... }
        <sym> => PMC 'Regex;Match' => "say" @ 0

Here is the structure we were expecting. say is a kind of statement_control and can be differentiated from other kinds by the value of sym. EXPR stores its OPER and numbered sub expression. Notices that OPER has it's full O hash, including the pirop. This makes building syntax tress much easier.

Grammar Actions

The code that converts these complex match objects into a syntax tree is stored in cish/src/cish/Actions.pm. The basic format is a series of methods with names that mirror the rules in the grammar. This makes finding the related code simple without making one file overly cluttered.

The actions are responsible for turning match objects into PAST trees. They do this by using the make function, which returns a value and attaches it to the match object in it's .ast variable. Parrot Design Document 26 has the full list of PAST nodes. The contents of the match object are easily available as $<name> for a subrule name.

class cish::Actions is HLL::Actions;

This defines the file to hold a class derived from HLL::Actions. I'm actually going to start discussing the most important thing in HLL::Actions: the EXPR method. This method automates building PAST::Op nodes for expressions and can be customized in three ways. The first way is setting :pirop, as explained above. The second is to set a :pasttype option instead. The PAST::Op object can express nearly every type of language operation, including arbitrary inline PIR. For a full list of types, see PDD26. The final way is to define a OPER method on your actions class, and EXPR will push the operands onto whatever AST object you return.

method TOP($/) {
    make PAST::Block.new( $<statementlist>.ast , :hll<cish>, :node($/) );

Here we see both the .ast and make syntax at work. This is the basic template for action methods: take a sub-rule's AST, wrap it in something, and return it using make. In this case, we're wrapping the statements in a Block. PAST::Block nodes express a scope and most programs need a top-level scope, so TOP creates one. All PAST nodes take an argument named :node, which takes the match object so PAST knows the location and text from the source.

method statementlist($/) {
    my $past := PAST::Stmts.new( :node($/) );
    for $<statement> { $past.push( $_.ast ); }
    make $past;

This is the other major kind of grammar action, which constructs the node and then attaches a variable number of sub-nodes to it. NQP's for loop takes an array and sets $_ to each element in turn. PAST::Stmts is a node that that executes the nodes pushed onto it in turn.

method statement($/) {
    make $<statement_control> ?? $<statement_control>.ast !! $<EXPR>.ast;

This is how you deal with alternation. The default language uses NQP's ternary operator, but using if() {} else {} would work just as well.

The other methods in the default language are similar to these, with perhaps the most interesting note being the :pasttype<call> used for say and print, which call the methods in cish/src/cish/Runtime.pm.

PAST Output

To see the results of the actions, we can run the language again with --target=past. I find this output the most readable, although the parse output is very useful if you're debugging the rules themselves. The basic format is identical to the parse output, but this uses PAST node types instead of Regex::Match. It's also far more compact since it doesn't have to carry around the state for every single rule.

$ ./installable_cish --target=past
> say 1+1
"past" => PMC 'PAST;Block'  {
    <hll> => "cish"
    <pos> => 0
    <source> => "say 1+1\n"
    [0] => PMC 'PAST;Stmts'  {
        <pos> => 0
        <source> => \past
        [0] => PMC 'PAST;Op'  {
            <name> => "say"
            <pasttype> => "call"
            <pos> => 0
            <source> => \past
            [0] => PMC 'PAST;Op'  {
                <name> => "&infix:<+>"
                <pirop> => "add"
                <pos> => 5
                <source> => \past
                [0] => 1
                [1] => 1

Code Generation

There is no customized code for code generation. Once a PAST tree is built, PCT knows how to generate POST nodes and PIR code from it. I don't find POST particularly enlightening, but the PIR for our test line of code is simple enough. If you wish to see the POST nodes, use --target=post.

$ ./installable_cish --target=pir
> say 1+1

.HLL "cish"

.namespace []
.sub "_block11"  :anon :subid("10_1295821485.07532")
.annotate 'line', 1
    new $P13, 'Integer'
    set $P13, 1
    add $P14, $P13, 1
    $P15 = "say"($P14)
    .return ($P15)


The .HLL declaration tells parrot to load the Runtime.pm from your language. Because the PAST::Block had no name, it creates a name and marks it as anonymous. The .annotate declaration is the final result of passing the match nodes into the PAST tree. NQP appears to prefer creating Integer objects instead of using parrot's integer registers.

Creating a C-ish Language

I'll create a basic C-like language that has one selection construct (if), one loop construct (while), integer variables, and functions. This should be enough to demonstrate both the features and power of PCT.

I will call it C-ish or cish for short (which is why I suggested that name earlier). The grammar for it is as follows:

number  = "\d+";
ident   = "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*";
comment = "/\* .* \*/";

%right '='
%left '?'
%left '||'
%left '&&'
%nonassoc '<' '<=' '==' '!=' '>=' '>'
%left '*' '/' '%'
%left '+' '-'
%right '~'

program: statement;
statement: block | control | simple ';';
block: '{' statement* '}';
control: if | while;
if: 'if' '(' expr ')' block ( 'else' block )?;
while: 'while' '(' expr ')' statement;
simple: builtin | decl | expr | /* empty */;
builtin: print | say;
print:  'print'  expr;
say:    'say'    expr;
decl: 'int' ident ('=' expr) (',' ident ('=' expr)?)*
expr: '(' expr ')'
    | ident '=' expr
    | expr '?' expr ':' expr
    | expr '||' expr
    | expr '&&' expr
    | expr '<'  expr
    | expr '<=' expr
    | expr '==' expr
    | expr '!=' expr
    | expr '>=' expr
    | expr '>'  expr
    | expr '*' expr
    | expr '/' expr
    | expr '%' expr
    | expr '+' expr
    | expr '-' expr
    | '-' expr %prec '~'
    | '!' expr %prec '~'
    | ident
    | number

It's much like C, but only has int variables and no functions. Yes, assignment is an expression and ints are used as booleans which makes if( a = 2 ) valid (and probably wrong) code. Blame Kernighan and Ritchie. The comment token is meant to ignore everything between /* and */.

Syntax Tweaks

While the default language is powerful, it's not C-like. We'll start of with several tweaks to the grammar. First, the comment style isn't what we want. The fix for that is to change the ws rule:

# This <ws> rule treats /* this as a comment */
token ws {
    [ '/*' .*? '*/' | \s+ ]*

Next, we'll do a little reorganization. We're removing the old statement list and replacing it with a simple statement that must end with a semicolon. Replace TOP, statementlist and statement in the grammar:

token TOP {
    [ $ || <.panic: "Syntax error"> ]

rule statement {
    <simple> ';'

rule simple {
    | <builtin>
    | <EXPR>

And in the actions, we must replace the methods for the rules we replaced. TOP must now handle what statementlist used to. We're going to have to do something similar in block later, so we make it a function (called a sub in NQP). Also, the handling of different types of statement moves down into simple.

sub past_block($/, @statements) {
    my $past := PAST::Block.new( $past, :blocktype<immediate>, :node($/) );
    for @statements { $past.push( $_.ast ); }
    return $past;

method TOP($/) {
    my $past := past_block($/, $<statement>);
    make $past;

method statement($/) {
    make $<simple>.ast;

method simple($/) {
    if $<builtin> {
        make $<builtin>.ast
    } else {
        make $<EXPR>.ast

What the default language calls statement_control, we're calling builtin. This is a simple search and replace in both the grammar and actions (since renaming a rule requires renaming it's action).

Empty Statements

At the moment, cish doesn't allow empty statements. It's simple to add to the grammar:

rule simple {
    | <builtin>
    | <EXPR>
    | <?>

It's not as simple to add to the actions. The "best" way to do it is to generate nothing, but this can result in empty blocks later and PAST doesn't handle that very well. So instead, we'll generate a noop opcode:

method simple($/) {
    if $<builtin> {
        make $<builtin>.ast
    } elsif $<EXPR> {
        make $<EXPR>.ast
    } else {
        make PAST::Op.new( :inline<noop>, :pasttype<inline>, :node($/) );

Additional Math

We can begin the more substantial changes by adding the additional mathematical operators: unary minus and modulus. First, we need an additional precedence level so we need to add it in an INIT block. You can either have multiple INIT blocks, or merge them all into one.

    cish::Grammar.O(':prec<v>, :assoc<unary>',  '%unary');

token prefix:sym<-> { <sym> <O('%unary, :pirop<neg>')> }

token infix:sym<%>  { <sym> <O('%multiplicative, :pirop<mod>')> }

Note that the positioning doesn't matter, but it's convenient if you add it between circumfix:sym<( )> and infix:sym<%>. After adding these, head to the top-level 'cish' directory and try the following:

$ parrot setup.pir
$ ./installable_cish
> -1
> 3 % 2

These were the simpliest to do, since HLL's built in EXPR methods handle most of the work.

Error Handling

Now is a good time to discuss error handling. There are two levels of error handling in question: user errors and programmer errors. User errors are handled very generically by default:

> bogus input
Syntax error at line 1, near "bogus inpu"

It at the very least, it does describe the line number and section of source that caused the error. It does not, however, have any information about where in the grammar this error happened. This may improve with time, but currently that's all you get. If you catch a parse error using something like <.panic: "error message">, you'll get:

> bogus input
error message at line 1, near "bogus inpu"

At the programming end, the error messages are similar, but end up buried in backtrace:

$ parrot setup.pir
"/usr/local/bin/parrot-nqp" --target=pir --output=src/gen_grammar.pir  src/cish/Grammar.pm
Confused at line 1, near "bogus inpu"
current instr.: 'parrot;HLL;Grammar;panic' pc 635 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/HLL-s0.pir:421)
called from Sub 'parrot;NQP;Grammar;comp_unit' pc 6762 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/NQP-s0.pir:2127)
called from Sub 'parrot;NQP;Grammar;TOP' pc 1318 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/NQP-s0.pir:494)
called from Sub 'parrot;Regex;Cursor;parse' pc 371 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/Regex-s0.pir:230)
called from Sub 'parrot;HLL;Compiler;parse' pc 96 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/HLL-s0.pir:63)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;compile' pc 464 (compilers/pct/src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:331)
called from Sub 'parrot;HLL;Compiler;eval' pc 24429 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/HLL-s0.pir:8218)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1501 (compilers/pct/src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:764)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT;HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1712 (compilers/pct/src/PCT/HLLCompiler.pir:873)
called from Sub 'parrot;NQP;Compiler;main' pc 91941 (ext/nqp-rx/src/stage0/NQP-s0.pir:26223)
exit status: 256
command: "/usr/local/bin/parrot-nqp" --target=pir --output=src/gen_grammar.pir  src/cish/Grammar.pm

current instr.: 'setup' pc 885 (runtime/parrot/library/distutils.pir:390)

The error message is similar because NQP is implmenented in terms of itself. The error message is near the top.

Non syntax errors like misspelled subrules or pirops only get caught when that section of code is executed. Misspelled subrules in particular give understandable errors:

Method 'statementlis' not found for invocant of class 'cish;Grammar'

But incorrect PIR opcodes result in stranger messages:

error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected PREG, expecting '(' ('$P13')
    in file 'EVAL_1' line 8
syntax error ... somewhere

If you get an error message talking about imcc, you can assume this is an error in the generated PIR code and can check the results of code generation with the --target=pir option.

Comparisons and Logic

While there are a wide variety of clever things that can be done for comparisons and logical operators. For this example, we're going to take the most straightforward route. Parrot has operators that return 1 or 0 if a comparison or logical operator are true or false. This is not only easy to deal with, but also much like C. The entire rest of the expression syntax can be added quickly. The opcodes can be found in Parrot's documentation. The code below can be added to Grammar.pm.

    cish::Grammar.O(':prec<s>, :assoc<left>',  '%comparison');
    cish::Grammar.O(':prec<r>, :assoc<left>',  '%and');