Home > onewire


Onewire is a project mainly written in C and RUBY, it's free.

Wrapper API for the Dallas One-Wire interface library


-- Description --

Ruby/IButton is a Ruby library that provides a module for using the Dallas/Maxim one-wire public domain API.

-- Installation --

$ cd owpd300 $ make $ cd .. $ ruby extconf.rb $ make $ make install

-- Testing --

  • test/enumerate.rb

Enumerate devices on the interface

-- API --

module OneWire

* class Port

** Class methods **

  * new(dev) -> Port

    dev is a device name suitable for the Dallas/Maxim API,
e.g. COM1 or /dev/ttyS0

** Instance methods **

  * close() -> nil

    The device connection is closed

  * enumerate -> Array

    Enumerate OneWire devices on this Port, returning an array of
    OneWire::Device. This is a physical enumerate; we probably should
    cache it in the devices property as the test program does.

* class Device

** Class methods **

  * new(port, serial) -> Device

    Associate a OneWire Device having the specified serial number with
    this port.  Care is needed with serial numbers; each is a String
    containing eight binary bytes.  Called internally by Port.enumerate()

** Instance methods **

  * name() -> String

    The first byte of thes erial number contains the device type.
This is used to look up a table in the Dallas API, returning a
device type name.

  * describe() -> String

    Returns a multi-line string containing a description of the device type

  * banks() -> Integer

    Returns an array of the names of any memory banks this device has,
for example, Scratchpad.

  * bankPages(bankNum) -> Integer

    For the specified bank, return the number of memory pages

  * readPage(bankNum, pageNum) -> String or Array

    Read a page from a bank. If the page contains extra information,
as ScratchPad pages do, the return value is an array of two elements
[ data, extra ].  Otherwise the return is a string containing the
page data.

  * writeBlock(bankNum, address, data)

    Write the data bytes into the bank starting at the byte offset address.

  * setRTC(seconds)

    Set the Device's Real Time Clock running from the given count.
Dallas commonly use Unix time (seconds since midnight on 1/1/1970),
but you might prefer to use 1/1/2000. The device doesn't care.
An exception will be thrown if the Device has no RTC.

  * getRTC()

    Get the seconds counter from the Device's Real Time Clock.
An exception will be thrown if the Device has no RTC.

  * stopRTC()

    Stop the Device's Real Time Clock counter.
An exception will be thrown if the Device has no RTC.

-- License --


Clifford Heath [email protected]