Home > clarendon


Clarendon is a project mainly written in JAVA and PYTHON, it's free.

multi-threaded HTML5 WebSocket server in Java and Python

This folder contains java and python code for a multi-threaded HTML5 WebSocket server.


This is a light-weight, multi-threaded server application that
receives a socket stream containing data from a device client and relays that data to all
web-based clients connected via an HTML5 websocket. 


Thread Handling Browser client threads are joined when clients leave the page.

The device thread is recycled when a device has disconnected.

Concurrency There is a hard-coded limit of 5 (five) browser-based client connections and 1 (one) device client.

WebSocket Support This server only supports the WebSocket protocol 76.

The following browsers have been tested:
+ Chrome
+ Safari 5.05
+ Mobile Safari (iOS/iPad2)

Compatibility Python: 2.5.5 HTML5 Websocket Protocol 76 (supports Chrome and Safari)

Active Ports [+] Device Client :1031

[+] Websocket Client

InActive Ports (reserved) [-] Command :1040

[-] Aux Device

Logging (default) /var/log/futura/futura-[timestamp].log

Help $> python futura_server.py -h
