Home > clj-amqp


Clj-amqp is a project mainly written in CLOJURE and SHELL, it's free.

A library for communicating with amqp servers. Contains implementation using rabbitmq library.


A common low level api for communicating with amqp servers. Provides an implemenation that use rabbitmq library to provide the connection to the amqp server.


Goal is to have a low level library that people can then create DSL specific for their application.

Core contains a basic low level dsl where you can do things like:

(with-channel my-channel (acknowledge delivery))

When you do that you bind the channel to a thread local variable called channel that exists in clj-amqp.core.


Copyright (C) 2011 Matt Hoyt

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
