Home > clj-vorbis


Clj-vorbis is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

An easy to use ogg-vorbis decoder library written in clojure.


clj-vorbis is an easy to use ogg-vorbis decoder library.

It depends on the jogg and jorbis libraries from jcraft.

Sample usage

(use 'clj-vorbis.core)
(import 'java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel)
(import 'java.nio.ByteBuffer)
(let [ds (init-vorbis (java.io.FileInputStream. "path_to_an_ogg_vorbis_file.ogg"))
      ^WritableByteChannel c (.getChannel (java.io.FileOutputStream. "decoded_vorbis_data.raw"))
      ^ByteBuffer buf (.order (ByteBuffer/allocate 8192) (java.nio.ByteOrder/LITTLE_ENDIAN))]
    (loop [bytes (long (read-pcm ds buf))]
      (when (> bytes -1)
        (while (> (.remaining buf) 0)
          (.write c buf))
        (.clear buf)
        (recur (read-pcm ds buf))))
    (catch Exception e (.printStackTrace e)))
  (close-vorbis ds)
  (.close c))