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Clojure-proj is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Clojure learnning programs


  • Is a dialect for Lisp, Lisp is a special langauge.
  • Is homoiconic with almost no syntax.
  • Has a full macrosystem also supports metaprogramming.
  • Is a functional language with first-class functions.
  • Immutable data structures.
  • Inbuilt concurrency semantics.
  • Hosted on the extremely mature and performant JavaVM.
  • Seamless interoperability with Java code.
  • General purpose as well as dynamic programming language.
  • Excellently suited for domain-specific langaue style of programming.

@Why Clojure?

  • A Lisp
  • For functional programming
  • Symbiotic with an established Platform
  • Designed for Concurrency
  • Code as data.

@Clojure unique features

  1. Dynamic Development.
  2. Functional Programming.
  3. Lisp.
  4. Runtime Plymorphism.
  5. Concurrent Programming.
  6. Immutability.
  7. Higer-order functions.
  8. Laziness.
  9. Excellent concurrency semantics.
  10. Software Transaction Memory.
  11. Hosted on the JVM

@Clojure program structure

  1. Literals
- Strings
- Characters
- nil
- true
- false
- integers
- floating point numbers
- ratios
  1. Vectors
  2. Lists
  3. Maps
  4. Sets
  5. Symbols
  6. Special Forms
- def
- if
- do
- let
- quote
- var
- fn
- loop
- recure
- throw
- try
- monitor-enter
- monitor-exit
- other special forms
    - dot(.)
    - new
    - set!
  1. Composite Forms
  2. Function Calls
  3. Macros

@Clojure and OOP Paradigm

  • Modularity => Clojure namespacing mechanism
  • Polymorphism => Clojure Multimethods
  • Encapsulation => Clojure functions
  • Reusability => Clojure functions

@Function A function, is a mathematical sense, expresses the idea that one quantity (the argument of the function, also known as the input) completely determines another quantity (the value, or the output).

@Clojure Functions In Clojure, all functions are first-class objects.

  • Can be dynamically created at any point during the execution of the program.
  • Are not intrinsically named, can be bound to symbols.
  • Can be stored as value in any data structure.
  • Can be passed to, and returned from, other functions

@Closure Oriented Programming

  • Functions as parameter
  • Functions as return value
  • Composing functions

@Anonymous Functions Three reasons to create the anonymous functions

  • The function is so brief and self-explanatory that giving it a name makes the code harder to read, not easier.
  • The function is beign used only from inside another function and needs a local name, not a top-level binding.
  • The function is created inside another function for the purpose of closing over some data.

@Clojure coding guidelines

  1. Start every source file with a namespace declaration using ns.
  2. Use :import and :use expression in ns to describe the classes and namespaces it depends on.
  3. Always use :only option of :use to make it clear which symbols you need from the other namespace.
  4. Reuse good names, add the :refer-clojure expression to ns if needed.
  5. Structure your source files to avoid the need for forward declarations. Place "primitive" definations near the top and the "composite" definations that depend on them toward the bottom.
  6. Use let to make your code cleaner and to store the results of calculations, so you don't have to perform them multiple times.
  7. Use refs provide synchronous, coordinated updates, and allow direct access to the STM System
  8. Use atoms to manage synchronous, independent state (such as chahed or memorized values) with maximum efficientcy.
  9. Use agents to manage asynchronous state as well as introduce concurrency into your program.
  10. Use vars to maintain state within a stack discipline to efficiently simulate mutable variables for algorithms that require it.
  11. Use validator functions to maintain data integrity.
  12. Use watches to trigger events dependent on an identitys values.
  13. Use the anonymous function only when you find that they make your code more readable.
  14. Use the metadata reader macor to add metadata to vars and parameters.
  15. Use with-meta to add metadata to data.


  1. Practical Clojure by Luke VanderHart and Stuart Sierra
  2. Clojure In Action - Amit Rathore
  3. Programmin Clojure - Stuart Halloway