Home > cloudcache


Cloudcache is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

CloudCache, like memcached, but using AWS

Like memcached, but using SimpleDB/S3. Not to be confused with a similarly named program written in Java (now named BigCache).

Here's how it works:

from cloudcache import Client,cached client = Client(aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key) ... client.put(key,data,expires=3600,replace=True) ... client.get(key)

Wow that's simple! I also added a decorator to automatically cache function calls based on the function name and the parameters.

@cached(expires=3600) def thisTakesALongTimeToExecute(a,b,c,d):

Does some stuff

return e

To run the benchmark: python tests/benchmark.py

09/03/2009 I have actually discontinued development on this as a stand-alone project. It is now part of a larger AWS framework I'm developing (yet to be released). I might occasionally merge changes back in here, but no promises.

Also, I decided to drop the "d" from CloudCached since it's not really a daemon
