Home > cloudmanager-nodetools


Cloudmanager-nodetools is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, based on the AGPL-3.0 license.

===================================================== Requirements:

Tested on Debian Etch. Other systems, YMMV. We have NOT yet migrated to Lenny - 2009/10/05

bash 3.1 or higher (tested) pipe viewer, (debian package pv, or http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml) makepasswd, (http://packages.debian.org/stable/admin/makepasswd.html) ipcalc, (debian package ipcalc) xmlstarlet (debian package xmlstarlet) xen-shell 1.4 or higher, or grokthis-xen-shell 1.5 or higher.

===================================================== Easy Installation (debian etch):

WARNING: This is designed for a fresh, minimum system install. This may remove any packages that you have installed above and beyond the base system. This will also remove your running kernel.

dpkg --clear-selections dpkg --set-selections < debian/dpkg-selections dselect install

cp -p debian/sudoers /etc/

make install