Home > cmsplugin-banner


Cmsplugin-banner is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.


the default settings are:

the (css) class choices CMSPLUGIN_BANNER_STYLE_CHOICES = ( ('default','default'), )

add "cmsplugin_banner.context_processors.plugin_ad_slots" to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS

Setup for Google Ads:

  • load googles javascript somewhere: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js"></script>
  • initialize the slots somewhere in <head> by including cmsplugin_banner/header_include.html. This assumes you also add <script type="text/javascript">GA_googleFetchAds();</script> to head and have a context variable called AD_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER with the google ad account id.