Home > Coding-Dojo-At-Dell


Coding-Dojo-At-Dell is a project mainly written in C#, it's free.

A repo for our coding dojo

8/11/2010 - Third coding dojo session.

We continued looking at the http://codingdojo.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KataBankOCR problem.

We focused on reading multiple account numbers from a file. The required us to refactor the code from session two.


7/14/2010 - Second coding dojo session.

We continued looking at the http://codingdojo.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KataBankOCR problem.

We focused on reading an account number from a file.

Lesson learned: Don't use i,j,k as looping index variable names, name them something meaningful like rowIndex and columnIndex.


6/9/2010 - First coding dojo session.

We starting looking at the http://codingdojo.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KataBankOCR problem. After some white board discussions and some TDD we ended up with a pretty good start at parsing the ascii digits into numbers. We decided to continue working on this problem during the next coding dojo session.

In the next session we will focus on actually parsing the whole account number and hopefully get into some error handling.
