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Cohortly is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

Cohort analysis engine for Rails utilizing mongodb and map reduce

= Cohortly

The beginings of an engine to do basic cohort analysis on a feature basis.

== Configuration

=== Mongo database config

Setup a cohortly.yml file in your config directory

production: host: localhost port: 27017 username: nyusername password: mypassword database: cohortly-production

=== Application controller config

Setup cohortly notifications by letting it know who your user is and his start date.
You also need to give cohortly the controller and action.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter do if current_user.logged_in? ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("cohortly.event", { :user_start_date => current_user.created_at, :user_id => current_user.id, :controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action] }) end end end

=== Tag Config

The tag config maps controllers and actions to tags that get added to the metrics that are recorded.

In confg/initializers/cohortly.rb

Cohortly::TagConfig.draw_tags do tag :login do controller :session do actions :create end end tag :logout do controller :sessions do actions :destroy end end tag :view_account do controller :account do actions :show end end end

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.
