Home > ColoredLogcatPlusPlus


ColoredLogcatPlusPlus is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

An extension of Jeff Sharkey's excellent ColoredLogcat terminal hack for Android development. Supports colors and filtering!


ColoredLogcat++ is an extension of Jeff Sharkey's excellent ColoredLogcat terminal hack for Android development. So far, the only difference it contains is the ability to filter the log based on text. This text currently does not support regular expressions, though if interest is there I can certainly implement it.

Eventually, I'd like to support all the new logcat features available in the r14 Android SDK release. Time permitting, naturally.


This is an expansion on Jeff's original documentation. It also changes the format somewhat.

You must run ColoredLogcat++ by piping content directly using adb:

adb logcat | ~/coloredlogcatpp.py

While piping the text, you can pass the the -f switch to filter text from your log.

For example:

adb logcat | ~/coloredlogcatpp.py -f Nyan

Will only show log messages with the (case-sensitive) string of "Nyan" anywhere within them, be it the tag or the message itself.

You can string together as many -f filters as you like:

adb logcat | ~/coloredlogcatpp.py -f Nyan -f Meow -f Hiss -f urr

Some of the original logcat paramters remain. For example:

adb logcat *:I | ~/coloredlogcatpp.py -f arfield

Will show any "Info" messages (or higher) that contains the "arfield" string.


I hope to be able to implement more of the standard logcat parameters in upcoming iterations. Also, I'm pretty sure this only works on *nix machines, and haven't tried it on Cygwin.
