Home > colorsel.vim


Colorsel.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

A RGB/HSV color selector

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=927

A simple interactive RGB/HSV color selector modelled after Gimp2 RGB/HSV color selector. Needs gvim and :set nocp (and probably a high-color display).

Usage: :so colorsel.vim and

:ColorSel [color]

starts the color selector. The optional color argument can be in rrggbb or rgb form or a CSS named color.

j, k (or arrows) change active channel.

h, l (or arrows), b, w (or pgdown, pgup), 0, $ (or home, end) change channel values (by 1, by `word' and to 0/maximum).

y yanks the current color as #rrggbb to the unnamed register, "xy to register x.

"xp/"xP gets the color from register x.

x swaps the current and alternate color.

q immediately quits.

The swatch and slider sizes are configurable, palettes and alternate colors can be switched off, see the source.
