Home > COMMENT.vim--Crawford


COMMENT.vim--Crawford is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Comment out blocks of C/C++ code using #if 0 #endif block

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=637

Hi All, Here is a script I use quite often when coding and I want to temporarily comment out a chunk of C/C++ source code.

Usage: Select the block of code you want to comment out (in visual mode) and invoke :call PComment().

This inputs

if 0


You can also invoke it without the visual selection and it comments the current line.

It will also remove an #if 0 block as follows:

if 0


using the above example, place the cursor anywhere on the #if 0 line and invoke the function, voila code block is restored and the #if 0 and #endif are gone.

Heres a more advance example, suppose you have the following:

if 0



if you invoke the command on the #if 0 the #else it will automatically be converted to #if 0 and the code block above will be restored, like so:

if 0


Also works with nested #if 0 #endif blocks:

Suppose you have a large chunk of code that already has some #if 0 blocks. No problem, select all you want including the nested comment blocks and invoke the function, when you want to remove the comment the proper #endif is matched and removed.


if 0


Select all up to code block3 and invoke the function, we get:

if 0

if 0



Move to the first #if 0 and invoke the function, voila you should be back to square one again.

Hope you all like it. Have fun.
