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Comp-hist is a project mainly written in C and PERL, based on the Unknown and 2 other licenses found.

    The Computer History Family Tree

OK, I guess I have to make a readme, so here it is. This is the computer family tree, a project to show /all/ the relationships between the various computer languages, operating systems, hardware, and standards.

In order to be able to use this, you will need a copy of Graphviz http://research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ or VCG http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/RW/users/sander/html/gsvcg1.html. Also, you will need a Perl that is somewhere in the 5 range http://www.perl.com. To make a copy of where we are right now, first type './configure', then type 'make' in the top level directory. Other 'make'ables include the following:

dump - Dumps the contents of all of the datafiles into a single file named 'dump' in the root directory. Useful for troubleshooting, and exporting the data for use with other parsers.

browse - Compiles and runs a GTK-based visual browser.

If you are using VCG, doc/demo.pdf is a key to the various symbols and colors used in the VCG display.

If you want to make a node, look in TODO to see what we need done. Then look at the syntax in the doc/ directory. The datafiles are all in /src, and if you create a new file, it will be automatically recognized and compiled in by the Makefile. All contributions to this project from others would be appreciated.

TIA for your help-
Scott Fenton <[email protected]>