Home > Computer-Languages


Computer-Languages is a project mainly written in C++, it's free.

Compilers, Interpreters, with Spirit parser and LLVM code generator, for educational purposes

Boost::Spirit + LLVM = WIN !

This project contains examples on how to build interpreters and compilers with the Spirit parser library and the LLVM backend.

This is a work in progress, with for now, only the first examples as self-contained c++ programs (hence the dupplication). After launching the programs, you have to feed the "code" on standard input (Ctrl-d to end input when interactive).

  • lang-1 only contains artihmetic expressions. So if you type : " 1+2*(3+1)-1/2 " it will output: " parsing succeded ! ; ModuleID = 'lang_1'

define i32 @main() { entry: %addtmp = add i32 3, 1 %multmp = mul i32 2, %addtmp %addtmp1 = add i32 1, %multmp %divtmp = sdiv i32 1, 2 %subtmp = sub i32 %addtmp1, %divtmp ret i32 %subtmp } " and then exec the code to print the result: " result: 9 "

lang-2 adds variables (var a; var b=...;) and statements must end with a ';' the program must end with a return statement (return ... ;)

lang-3 adds if{} [else{}] and while(){} control structures and ternary operators.

To be continued ...


  • and then make an llvm-backed calc7
  • handle scopes with symbols_stack
  • handle function definitions