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Roar is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Roar is a static website generator based upon Growl

Roar - Python based, easy extendable, blog aware, static site generator

Roar is a static website generator, forked from Growl, which in turn is heavily inspired from Jekyll, and which shamelessly stole some really cool ideas from Jekyll.

Nevertheless Growl brought some nice features:

  • Minimal dependencies
  • Easy to install (and use? ;])
  • Easy to extend

The Growl based site of xfire's blog is also available on github.

On top, Roar departs from Growl in some aspects:

  • Even less dependencies (e.g. Yaml is no longer used)
  • Packaged for the PyPi
  • Actively maintained



The following basic packages are needed:

> apt-get install python

All other is optional depending on you own needs.

I recommend using Jinja2 as the templating engine. Roar will use Jinja2 as default, if it is installed.

> apt-get install python-jinja2

You are free to use some other templating engine like Django, Mako or Cheetah. for examples how to configure them, see extending Roar.

Finish the installation

After installing all needed packages, you can use roar directly or copy it to a place which is in your $PATH.

> ./roar ...
> cp roar /usr/local/bin


Simply call roar with the source directory:

> roar my.site

Roar will then generate the output in the directory my.site/_deploy. if you want Roar to spit the generated stuff into another directory, simply specify this director as second parameter.

> roar my.site /tmp/my.site.output


  • --serve[:port] (default port: 8080)

    Generate the site to the deploy directory and then start a simple webserver. this is intended to be used for testing purposes only.

    roar my.site --serve 1234

  • --deploy

    Trigger deploy process. this does nothing per default, but you can add actions using hooks. (see _hooks/deploy_rsync.py)

Input data

Roar will ignore all files and directories which starts with a . or a _. (this can be changed via Site.IGNORE, see extending Roar)

All files ending with _ or a transformer extension (Config.transformers) are processed as pages. in these cases, the ending will be striped from the filename. E.g.

  • index.html_ -> index.html
  • atom.xml_ -> atom.xml
  • somefile.txt.markdown -> somefile.txt

Some directories beginning with an _ are special to Roar:

  • _deploy/ the default deploy directory
  • _layout/ contains your site layouts
  • _posts/ contains your posts
  • _hooks/ contains all your hooks (see extending roar)
  • _libs/ contains third party code (see extending roar)

All pages and posts must have an rfc822 header. An empty line separates the header from the content. Example:

layout: post
title: my post title
category: spam, eggs

   <!-- more content here -->

If no headers are needed, and empty rfc822 header section consisting of an empty line before the actual content will work.

All data defined in this header will be attached to the corresponding object and can be accessed in your template code. an example in Jinja2 may look like

{% for post in site.posts|reverse %}
    <li>{{ post.title }} - {{ post.date }}</li>
{% endfor %}

in the context of your template, you have access to one or more of the following objects.


This holds the site wide informations.

  • site.now

    Current date and time when you run roar. this is a Python datetime object.

    {{ site.now.year }}-{{site.now.month}}

  • site.posts

    Chronological list of all posts.

    {% for post in site.posts|reverse|slice(8) %} {{ post.content }} {% endfor %}

  • site.unpublished_posts

    Chronological list of all unpublished posts. e.g. all posts which set publish to false.

  • site.categories

    Dictionary mapping category <-> posts.

      {% for cat in site.categories %}
    • {{ cat }}
        {% for post in site.categories.get(cat) %}
      • {{ post.title }} - {{ post.date }}
      • {% endfor %}
    • {% endfor %}


  • page.url

    The relative URL to the page.

  • page.transformed

    The transformed content. no layouts are applied here.


  • post.date

    A datetime object with the publish date of the post.

  • post.url

    Relative URL to the post.

  • post.publish

    If set to false, the post will be generated, but is not in the list of site.posts. Instead it's in the site.unpublished_posts list.

    If publish is not set, Roar will assume this as true and the post will be normally published.

  • post.content

    The transformed content. Exactly the layout specified in the rfc822 header is applied (no recursive applying).

  • post.transformed

    The transformed content. No layouts are applied here.

Extending Roar

Roar is very easy extendable via Python code placed in the _hooks and _libs directory.

If the _libs directory exists, it is added to the Python module search path (sys.path), so Python modules dropped there will be available in the code.

All files in the _hooks directory, which end with .py, are executed directly in the global scope of the roar script. Thus a hook can freely shape Roar's code at will. Roar loves that! ;)

Here are some examples of what can be done. But you sure can imagine other cool things.

Configuring template engines

Register new transformers

New transformers can be registered in the Config class by adding a filename extension <-> transformation function mapping to the transformers attribute. here's an example for markdown2:

import markdown2
import functools

Config.transformers['noop'] = lambda source: source
Config.transformers['markdown2'] = functools.partial(
            extras={'code-color': {"noclasses": True}})

The transformation function must return the transformed source text which is given as the only parameter. so if you need to add more parameters to your transformation function, best use the functools module as you see in the example above.

Change which files will be ignored

Roar decides to ignore files which filenames start with one of the tokens defined in Site.IGNORE. so a hook with the following content will make Roar ignore all files begining with ., _ and foo.

Site.IGNORE += ('foo',)

Define global template context content

Simply add your content to Site.CONTEXT like these examples:

Site.CONTEXT.author = 'Rico Schiekel'
Site.CONTEXT.site = AttrDict(author = 'Rico Schiekel')

Note: Site.CONTEXT.site has to be an AttrDict instance!

Add some verbosity

As an example, we would display the currently processed post, while Roar chomps your input.

Create a new file (e.g. verbose.py) in the _hooks directory with the following content:

def verbose_post_write(forig, self):
    print 'post: %s - %s\n' % (self.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), self.title)
    return forig(self)

Roar offers the helper decorator wrap, which wraps an existing method of a class with a new one. the original method is given to your new function as the first parameter (forig).

Bug reporting

Please report bugs here.


