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ConnectSter is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

java implementation of the connectSter server

Connectster Project


Installing Built Connectster..................................1

Development Environment Setup.................................2 Checking Out Connectster................................2A Setting Up Your IDE.....................................2B Satisfying All Dependencies.............................2C

1-Installing Built Connectster

To install Connectster you need to execute the ServerConsole with the --install switch:

java connectster.server.ServerConsole --install C:/<somepath>/install.properties

Once this is down, restart without the --install switch to run thereafter:

java connectster.server.ServerConsole

All properties are stored in the AdapterProperty table.

For security purposes, unit tests have all been removed, they need to be made configurable.

Hibernate configuration is looked for from starting folder, it should reside in:


2-Development Environment Setup

Configuring your development environment to build Connectster involves checking out the source code, setting up your IDE and ensuring all dependencies are satisfied.

2A-Checking out Connectster:

Connectster has been checked into GitHUB and uses git for versioning. To check out the project you can use one of the following URI's:

SSH : [email protected]:shopster/connectSter.git HTTP: https://[email protected]/shopster/connectSter.git READ: git://github.com/shopster/connectSter.git

All of this information and more on the project can be located at: http://github.com/shopster/connectSter

2B-Setting up your IDE:

Consult the documentation for your IDE for specifics, however in general you can:

  • Import the project from GIT or create a new project based on an existing git checkout of Connectster.
  • Add each of the dependencies listed to your classpath.
  • Ensure that webservices-api.jar (for metro) is in an endorsed folder, and use -Djava.endorsed.dirs=? to specify where to resolve webservices-api.jar from.
  • Add a Hibernate facet/config to ensure hibernate settings are taken into account.
  • Create a simple "EndToEnd" test drive for executing connectster and seeing it run, as shown below but with your own keys.

package com;

import connectster.adapter.shopify.ShopifyAdapter; import connectster.adapter.shopster.ShopsterAdapter; import connectster.server.ConnectsterServer; import connectster.server.HibernateUtility; import connectster.server.entity.AdapterDetails; import connectster.server.entity.AdapterProperty; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test;

import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

public class EndToEndTest { private ConnectsterServer server;

public void startupAdapter( )
    // build shopster adapter details
    AdapterDetails shopsterAdapter = new AdapterDetails( "ShopsterAdapter", "This is the shopster adapter implementation.",
        "connectster.adapter.shopster.ShopsterAdapter", "1.0" );

    List<AdapterProperty> shopsterProperties = new ArrayList<AdapterProperty>( );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.WebServiceVersion.toString( ), "0.2", shopsterAdapter ) );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.OAuthUri.toString( ), "http://my.sandbox.shopster.com/OAuth.ashx", shopsterAdapter ) );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.Namespace.toString( ), "urn:shopster:apis:main", shopsterAdapter ) );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.Endpoint.toString( ), "http://api1.sandbox.shopster.com/Main.svc", shopsterAdapter ) );

    // NOTE: this assumes the next adapter in the list will have a key of '2', you can determine this by adding these properties after hibernate creates the adapter for a better approach
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.KeyPrefix.toString( ) + "-2", "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", shopsterAdapter ) );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.SecretPrefix.toString( ) + "-2", "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", shopsterAdapter ) );
    shopsterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopsterAdapter.Property.AdapterPrefix.toString( ) + "-2", "2", shopsterAdapter ) );

    shopsterAdapter.setAdapterProperties( shopsterProperties ); 

    HibernateUtility.transaction( );
    HibernateUtility.getSession( ).save( shopsterAdapter );
    HibernateUtility.commit( );

    // build shopify adapter details and assign properties for test purposes
    AdapterDetails shopifyAdapter = new AdapterDetails( "ShopifyAdapter", "This is the shopify adapter implementation",
        "connectster.adapter.shopify.ShopifyAdapter", "1.0" );

    List<AdapterProperty> adapterProperties = new ArrayList<AdapterProperty>( );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.InstallCallbackUri.toString( ), "http://localhost:8182/install-adapter-callback/", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.Protocol.toString( ), "https", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.Timeout.toString( ), "300000", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.ShopifyKey.toString( ), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.ShopifySecret.toString( ), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.CallbackPort.toString( ), "8182", shopifyAdapter ) );
    adapterProperties.add( new AdapterProperty( ShopifyAdapter.Property.BaseCallbackUri.toString( ), "http://myIpAddress:8183", shopifyAdapter ) );
    shopifyAdapter.setAdapterProperties( adapterProperties );
    shopifyAdapter.setMaster( shopsterAdapter );

    HibernateUtility.transaction( );
    HibernateUtility.getSession( ).save( shopifyAdapter );
    HibernateUtility.commit( );

    // start server and initialize adapters
    server = new ConnectsterServer( );
    server.startup( );

public void shutdownAdapter( )
    server.shutdown( );

public void testServer( )
throws Exception
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( System.in ) );
    reader.readLine( );


2C-Satisfying All Dependencies:

When you have a project setup, the next step is to ensure that all required JAR files are used.

The following is a list all all JARS used in the project:

Apache: commons-lang-2.5.jar, coommons-codec-1.4.jar, (XML-RPC 3.1.3) xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar, xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar Hibernate: antlr-2.7.6.jar, commons-collections-3.2.1.jar, dom4j.jar, ejb3-persistence.jar, hibernate-annotations.jar, hibernate-commons-annotations.jar, hibernate-core.jar, javassist.jar, jta.jar Jersey: jsr311-api-1.0.jar, asm-3.1.jar, jersey-bundle-1.0.3.jar JAX-WS/Metro: webservices-api.jar, webservices-rt.jar JDBC (MySQL): mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar JUnit: junit-4.8.2.jar Logging: slf4j-api-1.5.10.jar, slf4j-simple-1.5.10.jar Restlet (2.0 RC4): com.sun.grizzly.jar, com.sun.grizzly.util.jar, org.restlet.ext.grizzly.jar, org.restlet.jar Scribe: scribe-0.6.7-SNAPSHOP.jar (or later) Shopster: shopster-1.0.jar XStream (1.3.1): xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar, xstream-1.3.1.jar
