Home > connfu-client


Connfu-client is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the AGPL-3.0 license.

This gem provides a smooth access to connFu platform, both provisioning and streaming mechanism

== Welcome to connfu-client {}[http://travis-ci.org/bluevialabs/connfu-client]

connFu gem provides an easy way to get access to connFu platform using the defined DSL and the provisioning API.

connFu is a platform of Telefonica delivered by Bluevia Labs.

Please, check out http://www.connfu.com and if you need further information do not hesitate to contact us at support at connfu dot com

=== Why connFu?

  • Mash voice, data, text and social streams like never before

  • Develop apps swiftly – connFu does all the heavy lifting

  • Merge social, voice and text channels into single streams

  • Global reach – choose phone numbers from around the world

  • Economy of code – do more with less

=== Use connFu to build...

  • Apps that turn social signals into calls and voice messages

  • Group communication apps (voice, text, social)

  • Real-time collaboration tools

  • Voice apps controlled by Twitter

  • CRM applications (including call recording)

== Getting started

You can download the connFu-client gem directly from rubygems:

gem install connfu-client

== Introduction

This gem has two different aims:

  • connFu DSL: enables an easy way to create a connFu application.
  • connFu provisioning API client: wrapper to REST connFu API to manage applications.

== connFu DSL

connFu DSL allows you to create really powerful applications in just a few lines of code.

=== How to create an application

  1. Create an application using the connFu web portal

  2. Get the application token

  3. Create an application scaffold using the connfu-client CLI:

    connfu-client scaffold hello-world

  4. Update the code generated in hello-world/application.rb with your valid application token:


  5. Run the code:

    ruby application.rb

  6. You'll get as output something like:

    I, [2011-09-26T14:39:24.523208 #43421] INFO -- : Starting application with token 28d540c53b522e162d07baae0809115a D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.631370 #43421] DEBUG -- : The application devel-juan-1 has these channels: [] D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.638779 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher initializer D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.638870 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher starts D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.639365 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher waiting for a message from the Listener D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647047 #43421] DEBUG -- : Listener starts... D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647200 #43421] DEBUG -- : Waiting for a message from connFu stream D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647437 #43421] DEBUG -- : Connfu::ConnfuStream opening connection to stream.connfu.com:443 D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647535 #43421] DEBUG -- : Connfu::ConnfuStream start listening to stream /connfu-stream-devel-juan-1

=== Handling channels

A connFu channel is the way to retrieve inbound events related to the resources mapped to the application.

Actually there are three available channel types:

  • Voice: retrieves events related to calls and inbound sms to a specific number
  • Twitter: retrieves tweets related to one or more twitter accounts
  • RSS: retrieves new posts in a RSS feed

An application should listen at least one kind of channel.

=== Handling voice channels

A voice channel has four related events:

  • voice:join: a user joins a conference call

  • voice:leave: a user leaves a conference call

  • voice:new_topic: the conference topic was changed

  • sms:new: a sms sent by an user was received in the number

    require 'connfu'  
    TOKEN = "<app-token>" 
    Connfu.application(TOKEN) {       
      listen(:voice) do |conference|
        conference.on(:join) do |call|
          puts "New inbound call from #{call[:from]} on number #{call[:to]}"
        conference.on(:leave) do |call|
          puts "#{call[:from]} has left the conference #{call[:channel_name]}"
        conference.on(:new_topic) do |topic|
          puts "New topic in the conference #{topic[:channel_name]}: #{topic[:content]}"
      listen(:sms) do |sms|
        sms.on(:new) do |message|
          puts "New inbound sms"
          puts "#{message}"

=== Handling twitter channels

A twitter channel has one related event:

  • twitter:new: a new tweet sent by an associated twitter account reached the application

    require 'connfu' TOKEN = "" Connfu.application(TOKEN) { listen(:twitter) do |twitter| twitter.on(:new) do |tweet| puts "#{tweet[:channel_name]} just posted a new tweet in the application: #{tweet.content}" end end }

=== Examples

==== Conference room

This application defines two channels, voice and twitter, and handles conference rooms using a predefined whitelist.

Conference attendees can also tweet information regarding the chat room using the hashtag #conference.

require 'connfu'
TOKEN = "<valid-app-token>"
NEW_CALL_MESSAGE = "new call received"

HANG_MESSAGE = "has left the call"

Connfu.application(TOKEN) {

  listen(:voice) do
    on(:join) do |call|
      puts "#{NEW_CALL_MESSAGE} on number #{call[:destination]}"
      conf = ConferenceApp::find_by_conference_number(call[:destination])
      if conf.is_allowed?(call[:origin])
        puts "whitelist number received"
        puts "not whitelist number"

    on(:hang) do |call|
      puts "#{call[:origin]} #{HANG_MESSAGE} #{call[:destination]}"

  listen(:twitter) do |channel|

    channel.filter = "text has #conference"

    on(:new) do |tweet|
      puts "A new tweet arrived"
      conf = ConferenceApp::find_by_twitter_user(tweet[:origin])
      conf.wall.print("#{tweet[:origin]}: has tweeted #{tweet[:destination]}")


  listen(:foo) do |channel|
    on(:new) do |message|
      puts "This is an unsupported channel"


== Provisioning API

With the provisioning API client you can manage your application channels.

All the requests should be signed using a specific application api_key

require 'connfu'

application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key)

Actually there are three available channel types:

  • Voice: retrieves events related to calls and inbound sms to a specific number
  • Twitter: retrieves tweets related to one or more twitter accounts
  • RSS: retrieves new posts in a RSS feed

In the next subsections you can find examples about how to manage channels.

Please check the folder examples for deeper information

=== Voice channels

The next sections show information about how to manage voice channels in an application.

==== Create a Voice channel

This snippet of code creates a voice channel and associates a phone number to the application.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.create_voice_channel("my-voice-channel", "UK")

Optionally a third parameter can be used defining the channel privacy settings:

  • Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Channel::WHITELIST : only a specific set of phone numbers can join the conference
  • Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Channel::PUBLIC : any user can join the conference

Valid country codes are UK and US

==== Retrieve all Voice channels

This snippet of code retrieves information about the voice channels associated to the application.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) voice_channels = application.get_voice_channel

==== Retrieve a Voice channel

This snippet of code retrieves information about a specific voice channel associated to the application.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) voice_channel = application.get_voice_channel("my-voice-channel")

==== Update Voice channel

This snippet of code updates the topic, privacy setting, welcome_message and rejected_message associated to the voice channel.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.update_voice_channel("my-voice-channel", {:topic =>"new topic", :welcome_message => "Hello!", :rejected_message => "You're not allowed to join the conference.", :privacy => Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Privacy::PUBLIC})

==== Delete a Voice channel

This snippet of code deletes a voice channel previously created.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_voice_channel("my-voice-channel")

==== Voice Channel Whitelist

Only a predefined set of numbers can join a conference created using a voice channel. Numbers must be included in the conference whitelist before joining the conference.

===== Add a number to the whitelist

This snippet of code adds a new user to the conference whitelist.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.add_whitelist("my-voice-channel", "paul", "0044654332")

===== Retrieve a channel whitelist

This snippet of code retrieves a conference whitelist.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) whitelist = application.get_whitelist("my-voice-channel")

===== Delete the Voice channel whitelist

This snippet of code deletes the whole conference whitelist.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_whitelist("my-voice-channel")

===== Delete a whitelist entry

This snippet of code deletes a specific whitelist item.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_whitelist("my-voice-channel", "0044654332")

==== Voice channel numbers

A voice channel can have more than one mapped phone number. This will enable users from different countries join a conference with local rates.

===== Add a new number to a voice channel

This snippet of code adds a new phone number to the voice channel. The desired country must be supported.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.add_phone("my-voice-channel", "UK")

===== Remove a number from a voice channel

This snippet of code removes a phone number from the voice channel and release the resource.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_phone("my-voice-channel", "0044654332")

===== Retrieve all the voice channel numbers

This snippet of code retrieves a voice channel phone lists.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) phones = application.get_phones("my-voice-channel")

=== Twitter channels

==== Create Twitter channel

This snippet of code creates a twitter channel with two twitter accounts and two hashtags to filter only those messages with a specific hashtag.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.create_twitter_channel("my-twitter-channel", {:origin => "juandebravo", :hashtags => ["ruby", "rails]})

==== Retrieve all Twitter channels

This snippet of code retrieves information about all the twitter channels previously created.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) twitter_channels = application.get_twitter_channel

==== Retrieve a Twitter channel

This snippet of code retrieves information about a specific twitter channel previously created.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) twitter_channel = application.get_twitter_channel("my-twitter_channel")

==== Delete a Twitter channel

This snippet of code deletes a specific twitter channel previously created.

require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_twitter_channel("my-twitter_channel")

== License

Check the file License.txt with information about GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
