Home > consolelog.node.js


Consolelog.node.js is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Two node.js modules. One which manipulates termcolors and cursor positioning and one which stylizes console logging output for node.js scripts.


  • consolelog.node.js
  • This is a collection of two node.js modules:
  • termcolor.js - terminal color output and cursor positioning manipulation
  • consolelog.js - console log output stylization and customization (uses termcolor module)
  • Please note: I am not a terminal emulation expert. This may not work in every terminal
  • emulator. Your mileage may vary.
  • by Chad Etzel - December 11, 2009
  • Hacker License:
  • Feel free to hack at will */

================================== = = = example.js = = =

An example node.js script which demonstrates some of the functionality of the two included modules.

To run, issue the following at a command prompt: node example.js

================================== = = = termcolor.js = = =

terminal color output and cursor positioning module.

example usage:

var tc = require("./termcolor");


cursorPosition(row,col); Overview: Positions the terminal cursor at the row and column specified. Parameter:
row - (number) value of the row to which the cursor will move. col - (number) value of the column to which the cursor will move.

cursorUp(i); Overview: Moves the cursor up the specified number of rows Parameter:
i - (number) OPTIONAL - number of rows to move cursor up. If unspecified the value defaults to 1.

cursorDown(i); Overview: Moves the cursor down the specified number of rows Parameter:
i - (number) OPTIONAL - number of rows to move cursor down. If unspecified the value defaults to 1.

cursorForward(i); Overview: Moves the cursor forward the specified number of columns Parameter:
i - (number) OPTIONAL - number of columns to move cursor forward. If unspecified the value defaults to 1.

cursorBack(i); Overview: Moves the cursor back the specified number of columns Parameter:
i - (number) OPTIONAL - number of columns to move cursor back. If unspecified the value defaults to 1.

terminalFontReset(); Overview: Resets the terminal "font" (color, background, attributes) to the terminal defaults. Parameter:

terminalSetFont(color, bg, attr); Overview: Sets the terminal "font" (color, background, attributes) to the specified values. Parameter:
color - (number) value of the color to use (use the colors map) bg - (number) value of the background to use (use the colors map) attr - (number) value of the attribute to use (use the attrs map)

terminalSetFontColor(color); Overview: Sets the terminal "font" color to the specified value. Parameter:
color - (number) value of the color to use (use the colors map)

terminalSetFontBG(bg); Overview: Sets the terminal "font" background to the specified value. Parameter:
bg - (number) value of the color to use (use the colors map)

terminalSetFontAttr(attr); Overview: Sets the terminal "font" attribute to the specified value. Parameter:
attr - (number) value of the color to use (use the attrs map)

resetTerminal; Overview: Resets the terminal by clearing the screen and reseting the font to the terminal default Parameter:

test; Overview: Run the test method of the termcolor module to see different output formats in action. Parameter:


colors; Overview: Basically a hashmap of standard terminal color values, used in setting parameters for several termcolor functions

attrs; Overview: Basically a hashmap of standard terminal display attribute values, (such as bright, underlined, dim, reverse, ...) used in setting parameters for several termcolor functions

================================== = = = consolelog.js = = =

terminal console logging module

example usage:

var cl = require("./consolelog");


log(msg); Overview: writes a message to the console screen. default output format is to use the terminal default settings. Parameters: msg - the message to display to the console.

info(msg); Overview: writes a message to the console screen. default output format is GREEN with BRIGHT attribute Parameters: msg - the message to display to the console.

warn(msg); Overview: writes a message to the console screen. default output format is YELLOW with BRIGHT attribute Parameters: msg - the message to display to the console.

error(msg); Overview: writes a message to the console screen. default output format is RED with BRIGHT attribute Parameters: msg - the message to display to the console.

puts(msg); Overview: an alias of the consolelog.log function for convenience

setLogColor(color); Overview: Sets the output color for standard log messages Parameters: color - (number or string) the termcolor.colors map value or the upper-cased string name of the color it represents

setInfoColor(color); Overview: Sets the output color for info log messages Parameters: color - (number or string) the termcolor.colors map value or the upper-cased string name of the color it represents

setWarnColor(color); Overview: Sets the output color for warning messages Parameters: color - (number or string) the termcolor.colors map value or the upper-cased string name of the color it represents

setErrorColor(color); Overview: Sets the output color for error messages Parameters: color - (number or string) the termcolor.colors map value or the upper-cased string name of the color it represents

setLogPrefix(prefix); Overview: Sets the prefix string for standard messages Parameters: prefix - (string or function) the prefix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setInfoPrefix(prefix); Overview: Sets the prefix string for info messages Parameters: prefix - (string or function) the prefix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setWarnPrefix(prefix); Overview: Sets the prefix string for warning messages Parameters: prefix - (string or function) the prefix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setErrorPrefix(prefix); Overview: Sets the prefix string for error messages Parameters: prefix - (string or function) the prefix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setAllPrefix(prefix); Overview: Sets the prefix string for all messages Parameters: prefix - (string or function) the prefix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setLogPostfix(prefix); Overview: Sets the postfix string for standard messages Parameters: postfix - (string or function) the postfix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setInfoPostfix(postfix); Overview: Sets the postfix string for info messages Parameters: postfix - (string or function) the postfix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setWarnPostfix(postfix); Overview: Sets the postfix string for warning messages Parameters: postfix - (string or function) the postfix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setErrorPostfix(postfix); Overview: Sets the postfix string for error messages Parameters: postfix - (string or function) the postfix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

setAllPostfix(postfix); Overview: Sets the postfix string for all messages Parameters: postfix - (string or function) the postfix to print before each message. if it is a string, just the string will be printed. if it is a function, it should return a string. the function will be evaluated for each message and the returned string will be printed

restoreDefaultColors(); Overview: restores the default colors for all message types: log - terminal default info - GREEN and BRIGHT warn - YELLOW and BRIGHT log - RED and BRIGHT

restoreDefaultPrefixes; Overview: restores the default prefixes for all message types: log - >>> info - iii warn - *** log - !!!

restoreDefaultPostfixes; Overview: restores the default postfixes for all message types (all empty strings)

restoreDefaultPreAndPostfixes; Overview: restores the default prefixes and postfixes for all message types

restoreDefaults; Overview: restores the default colors, prefixes, and postfixes for all message types

test; Overview: a test function which will display most of the capabilities of the consolelog module.


tc; Overview: an instance of the internal termcolor object

disableDoubleNewlines; Overview: boolean which determines whether double trailing newlines are removed when a message is logged to the console. Useful for when your message is coming from an outside source (such as a network socket). Default value is true.

================================== = = = CHANGE LOG = = =

v 0.1.0 (December 11, 2009)

  • Initial checkin of termcolor and consolelog modules.