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Convertable is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Automates conversion of data from one form to another in beforeSave/afterFind in a CakePHP App.

Convertable Behaviour

Ever had data in one format, yet wanted to save it in the db in another? This behaviour will deal with that for you!


In your model: var $actsAs = array('Convertable.Convertable' => array( 'field' => array( 'beforeSave' => 'convertToDbFormatFunction', 'afterFind' => 'convertFromDbFormatFunction' ) ));

e.g. I like storing IP addresses as integers, but am normally given them as format. var $actsAs = array('Convertable.Convertable' => array( 'field' => array( 'beforeSave' => 'ipToLong', 'afterFind' => 'longToIp' ) ));

The call back functions can be defined on your model, or one of the default behaviour call backs, or be a standalone function.
