Home > convertotron


Convertotron is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A universal front end for file conversion, for now targeting Linux

core architecture

Package Kit Basic GUI Contribution list

video -> text take out captions? video -> gif?

"show details" show the CLI command

conversion utils

miro video converter, what they're doing: https://develop.participatoryculture.org/index.php/ConversionMatrix "freevo" ? like MythTv mplayer/mencoder/ffmpeg/ffmpeg2theora vlc pandoc imagemagick Ubunt quickly for GUIs pdf2html - > output formats. drat.


free/nonfree convert in what sense? video to ascii picures or extract subtitles please don't install anything restrict to no quality loss

gstreamer - sources and sinks http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/section-intro-basics-bins.html

"I want to play this on Windows"


Don't just have individual entries. Many cases, the input params are independent of output params.

Use cases Detected PDF. Now what?

Capture output of conversion program? Don't want to show the user everything necessarily?
