Home > COOCDFlash


COOCDFlash is a project mainly written in C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

A project to explain how to code flash memory drivers for Open OCD.

Welcome to COOCDFlash!

Copyright James K. Larson 2011 [email protected] Please see the COPYING file for licensing information.

COOCDFlash (pronounced "cooked flash") is created because of my strong liking for OpenOCD and desire to help popularize it.

Specifically, COOCDFlash address the need to add flash drivers to OpenOCD in order to support new chips. Since manufacturers have little commercial incentive to support OpenOCD, development of new flash drivers often lags the new chips. COOCDFlash seeks to provide instruction and examples that will guide the creation of new flash drivers.

It is important to note that COOCDFlash is not for the newbie user of OpenOCD. You should be comfortable downloading and installing OpenOCD, and should be able to set up your ARM tool chain to do development on a target system. With this level of skill, you will find COOCDFlash materials to be useful if you choose to develop a flash driver for a new chip.

The Wiki for this site is: https://github.com/doctek/COOCDFlash/wiki

The Source code is here: https://github.com/doctek/COOCDFlash

What you will find at this site are a couple of flash drivers - one is a copy of the existing stm32x driver found in OpenOCD. I have extensively commented it to explain all the necessary and optional functions and structures that are necessary in a flash driver. The other is an experimental flash driver for a Nuvoton NUC-120 chip. I am currently working on the development of this driver and this project is mostly a result of what I am learning by way of this development effort.

Please understand that I do not consider myself an OpenOCD or flash driver expert by any means. I am a serious amateur who is trying to learn and is eager to share what I have learned. Please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to help improve this project.

The COPYING file contains a copy of the GPL as used by the OpenOCD project. This is the license under which all COOCDFlash material is released. I will only change the license if OpenOCD changes the license they use.