Home > copy-innovation


Copy-innovation is a project mainly written in RUBY and SHELL, it's free.

The new hotness in copy + patent reform.

== Copy Innovation


Old copy + patent reform arguments are stale. What we need are copy + patent innovation.


  1. Inform tech savvy + general public, engaged voters + elected officials about the dangers of E-Parasites / Protect IP.
  2. Respond with voice + money.
  3. Defeat these bills.
  4. Envision what a copy + patent framework that is truly dedicated to enhancing innovation would look like.
  5. Tell that story.


Collect the best videos, websites, arguments, and efforts towards copy + patent innovation in one place.

Launch a ChallengePost campaign for the best videos produced explaining while ProtectIP/E-Parasites are so bad. Include hooks for appeals to speak up, write Congress, share, and crowdfund opposition to these bills + support for better ones.

Inspiration (among others):


Mashup version:

"Every day I'm copyin'..."
