Home > Cova-Bars


Cova-Bars is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, it's free.

= Cova Bars

We're using Rails 2.3.11 now alongside Bundler. These steps should get you someway up and running.

cd /path/to/cova-bars
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
rake db:create
rake db:migrate

This will go and get all the gem dependencies and you should hopefully have a working install.

= Changes

  • I've upgraded the Rails version to 2.3.11 and added in Bundler which makes the gem dependency management way easier (checkout the Gemfile).
  • Created the app on Heroku at http://cova-bars.heroku.com/ under the No More Art Heroku account.
  • I've sent you a pull request to get my code changes on Github.
  • You'll need to get the heroku command setup on your machine so you can do git push heroku to deploy stuff.

= Issues

== Seed Data There's some seed data missing I thing (something to do with photos?) which meant the app was throwing an undefined method for nil class error for me locally so couldn't actually see it running, but managed to get its environment set up enough for it to try and work.

== Heroku uses PostgreSQL This means you can't use things like ORDER BY RANDOM() unless you specifically do the PostgreSQL equivalent in production. If you checkout app/controllers/application_controller.rb you'll see this bit of code I added in to do just that:

if (RAILS_ENV.to_sym == :production)
  @rcphoto = Photo.find(:first, :order => 'random()')
  @rcphoto = Photo.find(:first, :order => 'RAND()')