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CowPaths is a project mainly written in Java, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

A bukkit plugin for simulating erosion where players walk

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  1. Overview Cow Paths is a bukkit plugin for simulating the natural erosion caused by player walking. The name of the plugin comes from the phrase "to pave the cow paths." As players walk around the server, Cow Paths keeps track of the number of times each block has been stepped on and erodes the world accordingly. By default, the world erosion patterns are (with step thresholds in parentheses):

    Grass -(10)-> Dirt -(50)-> Gravel -(200)-> Cobblestone -(800)-> Smooth Stone

    Sand -(100)-> Sandstone

  2. Configuration The erosion patters and step thresholds used by Cow Paths are completely configurable. All wear patterns are stored in the config.yml file under the wearPatterns key. A wear pattern is made up of a three part string containing the fromMaterial, toMaterial, and stepThreshold. A line looks like this:

    • Grass Dirt 10

    When defining the fromMaterial and toMaterial, you can use either a material's canonical name or ID number. Malformed wear patterns will be ignored. If two wear patterns share the same fromMaterial, only the first one will be used.

  3. Contact Cow Paths is written by Ryan Michela ([email protected])
