Home > CPAN-AutoINC


CPAN-AutoINC is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

CPAN::AutoINC version 0.01

CPAN::AutoINC is a only slightly useful tool designed to streamline the process of installing all of the modules required by a script. By loading the CPAN::AutoINC module (usually via a "-MCPAN::AutoINC" command-line option), the user is registering a handler that will catch any attempt to use a module that does not exist on the local machine. In this case, the CPAN::Shell module will be invoked to search for the specified module and, if found, an attempt will be made to install the module. If successful, the module will be loaded and execution will continue as normal.

For example:

perl -MCPAN::AutoINC -MLingua::Num2Word=cardinal -le 'print cardinal("en", 42)' ...will download and install Lingua::Num2Word and then Lingua::EN::Num2Word.

perl -MCPAN::AutoINC -MLingua::Num2Word=cardinal -le 'print cardinal("de", 42)' ...will then download and install Lingua::DE::Num2Word.

perl -MCPAN::AutoINC -MLingua::Num2Word=cardinal -le 'print cardinal("es", 42)' ...will then download and install Lingua::ES::Numeros (Spanish).


To install this module type the following:

perl Makefile.PL make make test make install


This module requires a modern version of CPAN.


Copyright (C) 2004 Don Schwarz

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
