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Ruby-Project-Template is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A project template for ruby.

Ruby Project template with RSpec, Cucumber and Guard

This is a template that you can use to bootstrap a new ruby project. It contains hello-world features and specs adapted from the [http://pragprog.com/book/achbd/the-rspec-book](RSpec Book).

Getting started

  1. If using RVM, edit the .rvmrc file to suit your project requirements.
  2. Install bundler: gem install bundler
  3. Install guard gem install guard
  4. Install dependencies: bundler install
  5. Launch guard: guard start

Guard will run rspec and cucumber against some "hello world" specs and features that will verify that these are tools are correctly installed. After this runs, you can remove the hello-world spec and features.

Guard will also continuously watch the Gemfile and will re-run bundler if it changes.

You should start developing your classes and modules in the lib directory and any scripts or other excutable artefacts in the bin directory.

Good luck!