Home > cppcheck-qtc-plugin


Cppcheck-qtc-plugin is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0 licenses found.

Cppcheck plugin for Qt Creator

This is (will be!) a Cppcheck plugin for Qt Creator.

It will run Cppcheck for the project (and/or files) open in Qt Creator.

To build this plugin you'll need:

  • Qt creator 2.0.1 sources (and Qt Creator compiled)
  • Qt 4.7.0 or later

Set environment variables:

  • QTC_SOURCE: path to QT Creator sources
  • QTC_BUILD: path where Qt Creator is build

Then just run qmake and make

  • qmake ; make

The plugin is installed to Qt Creator plugins directory (in Nokia-directory). Start the Qt Creator and plugin should be listed in Help / About Plugins.

Note that there is nothing Qt Creator version specific (yet) in this plugin. So it works with 2.0 and later versions by changing the version numbers to Cppcheck.pluginspec -file.
